More Clans Should Use Teamviewer (PLEASE READ)

our clan teamviews any new members who come into the clan, but randomly.. usually when they are playing and may tell them if they log off crossfire we will kick them, ect ... teamviewer is a mandatory program to have in our clan.. :)

teamviewer is a program that one person can control and see the other persons screen as if they were there in person .. look through files where hacks normally would be or hidden, watch them play.. whatever floats ur boat, but this would be a good way of keeping hackers out of clans and a way to stop hackusations... but it wouldnt help with banning ppl bc there isnt much to prove it but the person word that they do lol .. idk how that would work? any ideas?

this is an idea for other clan leaders and LT's :) thought it would help :) <- there is the download, TOTALLY FREE!!!
