***type 89 review***

Ok you guys i know there are many topics on this, but everyone has a different game play.
I personally like it. Some say better than Scar Light.No. It's good headshot gun if you aim for the stomach cause of recoil. It's an ok long range gun better for close range as in Team Death Match Egypt. But everyone is different with it because some of us can handle the recoil and some of us cannot. So that's my opinion. Great gun but it will not replace my scar light. Thanks for your time reading this. Feel free to comment if you have any feedback.


  • I never tried this gun, but if I can handle Ak 47s recoil I should be able to handle 89s recoil?
  • PurpleOpz wrote: »
    I never tried this gun, but if I can handle Ak 47s recoil I should be able to handle 89s recoil?

    Yes the recoil is very controllable on the type 89.
  • i used it one, my friend has it. It is awsom i think. I would rather have that gun then my qbz. I can jsut shoot a lot better with that gun. So far i think that it rocks :)
  • Here is my opinion on the Type 89.

    The Type 89 is a strong rifle, overall I would rank it just under the M4A1. It does 100% pierce damage (100% damage though boxes/wood objects) this puts it in the same league as the following weapons:
    XM8, G36K, MP5, and M4A1.

    This feature a lone makes it a viable weapon, as far as its spray pattern its quite similar to that of a Scar L. It has a high rate of fire and its weight while it appears high is of little hinderance (similar to that of an M4A1). While it does do less damage then the M4A1 it still is a 4 hit kill to the chest/ 1 hit kill to the head. Although the reduced damage does carry the risk of 5 hit kills to chest/ 99 damage head shots from far distances.

    Its lack of damage aside the guns main strength and the feature that sets it apart is its sound. It is a rather quite rifle meaning it is a viable option for players that wish to use the M4A1 Custom. Basically in my mind I see it as a budget M4A1 Custom, that being said I still believe overall the M4A1 Custom is a stronger rifle however the Type 89 is the closest GP rifle we will see to what the silenced M4's bring.
  • JEROCK757 wrote: »
    i used it one, my friend has it. It is awsom i think. I would rather have that gun then my qbz. I can jsut shoot a lot better with that gun. So far i think that it rocks :)
    O_o really? QBZ owns...ASS!