The Forum Code of Conduct - Infraction Levels
The Following system will be used by the Staff and Moderators of the Z8Games forums to help enforce and educate the users on the rules.
Depending on the offense or rule that is broken and also the severity of the violation, a certain number of points are handed out to the user's account in the form of infractions which can then accumulate and lead to temporary or permanent ban from the forums.
Point Values have an expiration time. When the time expires the points are removed. Even though points are recalculated over time, the number of infractions will remain on the account and are never removed. When the number of infractions reaches 10 you will be permanently banned as we feel that after 10 infractions you have had plenty of chances to learn our posting rules.
Bans are issued for the following point values:
*note* the system being introduced here differs slightly from the previous system. It is designed to take away a lot of the gray area for handing out infractions and forum bans.
Also note that permanent bans on the forums may result in site and game bans as well. Depending on the severity of the actions.
This system may be updated over time so check back here for any updates on the conduct, or point values or ban values.
If more infraction levels or clarification on the rules are needed then they will be added here. It will be the responsibility of the player to keep up with any changes. During the first stages of this new change there will likely be additions being made to the following list.
Infraction Reasons and Point Values
Duplicate/Redundant Topic
1 point / expires in 7 days
This infraction is given out for topics that have been remade from an active open topic somewhere else on the boards. Please use the search function for topics that are currently open. If you see a topic of a subject that has been closed then don't repost it. It was closed for a reason.
This also includes off-topic posts directed at specific users in other threads.
In a thread about the Ak47
In reply to [GM]Saidin - "Good Morning, can you please do ________ for me?" (no discussion of the original topic)
1 Week, 2 Week, 1 Month Immediate Bans
These immediate bans are given out in extreme cases, alternate accounts and spam accounts. Actions that directly violate rules like posting ****, viruses, hack sites, excessive trolling on alternates etc.
Depending on the offense or rule that is broken and also the severity of the violation, a certain number of points are handed out to the user's account in the form of infractions which can then accumulate and lead to temporary or permanent ban from the forums.
Point Values have an expiration time. When the time expires the points are removed. Even though points are recalculated over time, the number of infractions will remain on the account and are never removed. When the number of infractions reaches 10 you will be permanently banned as we feel that after 10 infractions you have had plenty of chances to learn our posting rules.
Bans are issued for the following point values:
1 week ban will be issued for reaching 7 infraction points
2 week ban will be issued for reaching 12 infraction points
1 month ban will be issued for reaching 20 infraction points
Permanent ban for having 10 infractions total on an account
2 week ban will be issued for reaching 12 infraction points
1 month ban will be issued for reaching 20 infraction points
Permanent ban for having 10 infractions total on an account
*note* the system being introduced here differs slightly from the previous system. It is designed to take away a lot of the gray area for handing out infractions and forum bans.
Also note that permanent bans on the forums may result in site and game bans as well. Depending on the severity of the actions.
This system may be updated over time so check back here for any updates on the conduct, or point values or ban values.
If more infraction levels or clarification on the rules are needed then they will be added here. It will be the responsibility of the player to keep up with any changes. During the first stages of this new change there will likely be additions being made to the following list.
Infraction Reasons and Point Values
Duplicate/Redundant Topic
1 point / expires in 7 days
Thread Bumping
1 point / expires in 7 days
This infraction is given out for "bumping" topics for no logical reason. If you want to continue the discussion of a topic then post something that adds to it.1 point / expires in 7 days
Inappropriate/Wrong Forum Topics
1 point / expires in 7 days
This infraction is given out for people making topics in the wrong forums. Please look at our Forum Headings. If you are unsure where to post a topic then try using the search button or asking a moderator/admin. Please try your best to use the appropriate forum.1 point / expires in 7 days
This also includes off-topic posts directed at specific users in other threads.
In a thread about the Ak47
In reply to [GM]Saidin - "Good Morning, can you please do ________ for me?" (no discussion of the original topic)
Cheating Accusations
1 point / expires in 7 days
This infraction is given out for accusing other players/clans of cheating in a blatantly insulting manner. We have a proper hack submission form on our forums, we ask that you use this to report someone you think is hacking. And use PMs for any further communication between you and another player.1 point / expires in 7 days
Promoting Illegal Activity
2 points / expires in 30 days
This infraction is given out for any post that promotes any illegal activity. This also includes promoting cheating, or software pirating as well as methods of circumventing copyright protections.2 points / expires in 30 days
Minor Forum Rule Violation
2 points / expires in 14 days
This infraction is given out when a post or topic violates the forum rules. For a list of general forum rules please read this post fully and also our forum rules post. Always make sure to check for updates to these posts.2 points / expires in 14 days
Censor/Filter bypassing
2 points / expires in 30 days
This infraction is given out for blatant use of profanity and bypassing the filters. We are a publicly viewable forum with users of all ages visiting. While they may be visiting at their own risk, we have censors and filters for a reason. Do not violate them.2 points / expires in 30 days
Insulting/Flaming/Trolling - Minor
2 points / expires in 14 days
This infraction is given out for posts intended to annoy and/or offend other posters by going against the nature of a topic. This includes provoking other users to respond with insults. Harassment directed towards individuals or groups with the intent of creating an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment will not be tolerated. This also includes demeaning or derogatory comments directed towards staff etc.2 points / expires in 14 days
Racism/Hate/Prejudice Comments
4 points / expires in 30 days
This infraction is given out for any thread or post that promotes racism, hate or prejudice towards any person, group, country, race, religious belief etc. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior on our boards.4 points / expires in 30 days
Hack Promotion
5 points / expires in 30 days
Promoting hacks or the use of hacks is not tolerated on our boards. Direct promotion of hack websites will result in immediate bans.5 points / expires in 30 days
Sexually Explicit Content
5 points / expires in 30 days
This infraction is given for any post containing sexually explicit materials. This includes words as well as images.5 points / expires in 30 days
Major Forum Rule Violation
5 points / expires in 30 days
This infraction is given for any post that violates our forum rules at a major level. This will also include a more likely chance of getting a major rule violation if the post or thread is on a repeat level.5 points / expires in 30 days
Insulting/Flaming/Trolling - Major
5 points / expires in 30 days
This infraction is given for major insulting/trolling or flaming. Repeat offenders of the minor kind will be more likely to receive a major infraction.5 points / expires in 30 days
1 Week, 2 Week, 1 Month Immediate Bans
These immediate bans are given out in extreme cases, alternate accounts and spam accounts. Actions that directly violate rules like posting ****, viruses, hack sites, excessive trolling on alternates etc.
Signature Conduct.
Recently we have enabled color BB Code for signatures. We have also increased the maximum signature character limit to 200 (including BB code).
We are looking in to other changes involving signatures however please note the following Codes:
You will receive a minor infraction if you continue to "fake" a signature. We have made these changes so you will have to fake signatures less.
Fake signatures include and are not limited to:Impersonating other people with made-up fake sigs.Signatures that violate various forum rules will receive infractions, be asked to change or could potentially be banned depending on the severity of the violation.
Using an image at the end of every post in a signature-like way.
Using color/size/special characters to create fake signatures.ProfanityZ8Games is not obligated to allow signatures. Many game forums do not have signatures, please treat these rules with respect. This conduct is subject to edits so please make sure to check back for the latest rules for signatures.
Avoiding Swear Filter
Sexuality etc
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