CF Bootcamp: Part Four - The Pillars

CF Bootcamp

Hello soldiers, and wellcome back to the bootcamp. I hope that you all missed the drill sargeant, 'cause there's gonna be some ass-smakin' instructin' today. (No hom0)

1. What is "noclip"

First, we're gonna see who's who. You need to know your ennemies before actually fighting them. The noclippers, also called wallwalkers by some, are a species belonging to the race of the "Kiddus Annoyingus". Those creatures have the ability to pass through solid objects, much like ghosts. (No, not the ones in GM ...) They tend to stay there, and shoot ya boyz from a place where you can't shoot them from. Since Egypt is this month's mission, you shall know that the basic spots that most of theme use are the map pillars.

2. The way it works

Let's see the technical side of their abilities. The specimen activates his special abilities, and conceals himself in blocks of concrete, effectively firing from an unaccesible to harm (unless you are one of those noclippers) area. In egypt case, those are the couloumns. So the couloumn becomes some sort of an immobile, invincible turret gun. (Ever played Half Life?)

Field reports didn't show any cases where noclippers got out of the general structure of the map (such as under the floor or above the map or even behind the map's exterrior walls), wich is leading intelligence to belive that the exterrieors of the battlefield tend to kill the noclippers, in .. Well rather unpleasant manner. This also tells you that those pillars in Egypt are almost (if not for sure) the only point from wich the noclippers will fire.

3. The flaws

Even this type of "turretgun" has it's flaws. First of all, the noclipper will have to move to the location in wich he will camp. That means a short time of vulnerability, also those species mostly don't begin shooting back unless overwhelmed (too busy to get to position for that), you can even allow yourself to take a precise shot, without the need to actually dodge possible aiming (this won't work if noclip is associated with an aimbot).

Second, the ammo is not infinite. And to pick up new ammo, the noclipper WILL be forced to go outside and restock.

Thirs, the reduced mobility. This is why I say that noclip = turretgun. The noclipper will NOT exit his stance for the most of the time. This limits his vision.

4. Using flaws

Let's devide the different tactics in two different sides. The tactics you will employ will depend on the result you want to have. There is two major ways of fighting the noclipping.

- The offensive way: In this case, you want to eliminate the noclipper. Thus, you'll have to mainly rely on the noclippers movement. Each time he moves out or to a spot, you want to be there. You want to watch him, and be ready to pull the trigger at the right time. MAKE SURE ALLIES ARE IN FRONT. You will need all the concentration you can get, and if you're the ennemy's primary target ... Well let's just say you don't want that to happen. Allways have people in front of you, so they distract the non noclipping ennemies from you, who will be busy taking the noclipper out.

- The evasive way: In this case, on the contrary, you will try to escape the noclipper's notice. Remember, that noclippers movements are VERY limited. Thus, a couple of simple rules will make your life easier. Rule 1: Allways let your allies run first. Those, will be the cannon fodder. While they attract the main attention of turretgun fire, you can slip past the fire barrier without too much damage, if at all. Rule 2: Get as far possible from noclip turret gunner's location. You won't be followed, and once you're behind cover, on the other side of the map, killing off noclipper's team, you will basically be out of his reach. Rule 3: The MOST important one, works when nothing else works. SMOKE grenades. Have one with you at ALL TIMES. Just toss in near the pillars, to obstruct the turret gun's vision. Once again, this will either leave him stuck because of limited mobility, or will force him to come out in order to get a better view. In both ways, you will either escape, either dispose of the noclipper.

That is all soldiers! Dismissed!
