I've got a big problem

A while back there was an event to get ZP/GP crates for a week just by playing the game. I had not realized I had these the whole time just randomly I went to view the crates I possesed and I had recieved just enough GP bonuses to buy the AK-47. I had bought it and I had 5000 GP left from the GP bonuses, I figured I would amount to 20000 GP in one month but somehow the repair costs have been overwhelming ever since.

Having to repair two guns that I rarely spray with, I only tap and burst 2 shots I predict to be every +200 milliseconds and I have not ever been past the orange color when shooting as shown on the M4/AK Sketch at the bottom right of the screen.

So now I have 0 GP and everytime I pub I just repair the same amount of damage every single time and it starting to get more damaged than what i'm repairing, What should I do?
