Levels of the Strategic Mind (Global Risk) - Guide by Hesitate

Welcome to my guide :) This really isn't a "Guide", just something I felt like making after some thinking. Read carefully and try to comprehend this. I want to share the knowledge and experience I've gained, after playing CF for a while now. Well here it is =)

Sup, below is my "Levels of the Strategic Mind" guide.. First of all, I'm not talking about a player's ability to point, click, and kill, I'm talking about the realms of comprehension of a situation a player is in, in a Search and Destroy game. This "guide" will explain the levels of comprehension and reactions a player can be fitted into, from MY experience of Crossfire.

Newbie- Sprays, doesn't know who the enemy is, is unfamiliar with most maps, and cannot comprehend enemy force abilities and also cannot execute the proper actions in a situation.

Beginner- Has somewhat of an understanding of the structures' of maps, knows some of the basic rules of the game, but has low adaptation level of an action by the enemy during a round.

Amateur- Can somewhat follow strategies created within him/her self based on the battling style of the BL in a round, starts using common sense to achieve victory. Also has a normal understanding of a situation, can most likely adapt, but may be too slow.

The Average Joe- Can follow strategies issued by a higher ranking officer, and can somewhat analyze enemy force abilities and adapts to those abilities to achieve victory in a round. Uses logic and common sense in a normal, effective, format. Knows mostly of the basic concept of the game.

Decent Soldiers- Has a good understanding of enemy force capabilities, and can act in an effective way to nullify the actions of the BlackList team after a round or two. Has the ability to adapt to almost any kind of situation, and can act accordingly depending on the situation. Has a respectable reaction towards enemy movements. Acts mostly on enemy movements/sounds. Plays with a mind of a machine.

Legendary Soldiers- Has a close to perfect understanding and knows the layout of any map, and can execute the correct strategic actions towards enemy movements. Has the ability to adapt to various situations, and can determine the BlackList team's position based on the knowledge they have gathered by battling for one or two rounds, and when hears enemy movements and/or informed of a kill of an enemy, or a death of a comrad. Thinks outside of the box, uses logic and common sense to ensure a win. Has the ability to "know" what the enemy is thinking, and uses surprising actions to outsmart the enemy. Doesn't soley rely on enemy gunfire or footsteps to determine their position, but uses his archive of enemy weaknesses to conceive the win for Global Risk. Uses the vast intelligence of the human mind to battle. This makes a Legendary Soldier.

This is part of the information I have gathered on the various ranks of the "Strategic Mind" of a CF Soldier. Thanks for reading, Hesitate signing out.
