I am looking for a clan!

I am RaZor[RO] ( http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=3512680 )
Sorry for my kdr cause this was my 1st acc but you will see i`m good
Actually this is a 2nd acc ( http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5760292 )
Clans history : >>[T]G<< , TeamRecon , Exception , TheMarksmen
I am looking for a clan - good ranked - active - using of TS\VENT\SKYPE with respectfull players - active in clan wars and in tournaments
I play a lot in weekends and in some mornings - i have experience in clan wars - so
say here on forum if you are interested and add me to
xfire : tgs0razor
skype: tgs0razor
Yahoo\msn : andreisav95@yahoo.com
