I've got a problem guys...Weapons
So my problem is i love the kriss super V AND the AK-47 scope...
i am going to buy 100k ZP and my idea was it to spend all the money for AK-47 s crates and from the coupons i'll get, i wanted to buy a Kriss (80 Coupons)
My question is,after your experiences is it possible to get 80 coupons with 120 ZP crates?
and is it possible/do u think i can get an AK-47 s AND Kriss with my idea
BTW:Type 89 rocks...wow my new Fav.Gun
i am going to buy 100k ZP and my idea was it to spend all the money for AK-47 s crates and from the coupons i'll get, i wanted to buy a Kriss (80 Coupons)
My question is,after your experiences is it possible to get 80 coupons with 120 ZP crates?
and is it possible/do u think i can get an AK-47 s AND Kriss with my idea
BTW:Type 89 rocks...wow my new Fav.Gun
So my problem is i love the kriss super V AND the AK-47 scope...
i am going to buy 100k ZP and my idea was it to spend all the money for AK-47 s crates and from the coupons i'll get, i wanted to buy a Kriss (80 Coupons)
My question is,after your experiences is it possible to get 80 coupons with 120 ZP crates?
and is it possible/do u think i can get an AK-47 s AND Kriss with my idea
BTW:Type 89 rocks...wow my new Fav.Gun
100k ZP will get you a max of 50 Coupons. -
I have 40k gp now,so when i got more GP in which GP crates should i invest...i dont know.
And how is the chance to get coupons with GP crates...? my friend has almost the same problem and he doesnt know at all how much coupon he will get. (actually he has ~500K GP) and he is ready to invest all the money for GP crates. Hope u can help me...again
PS: i have 3 coupons now and after all ZP imma have 123 AK-Coupons and i dont know:
should i buy first ALL Crates before opening , or buy 10 crates,open and then buy next 10...? And are u shure that i am going to have Maximum 50 Coupons from 123 Crates?
Muerte-Sexy-Type 89 -
wow ak golden is nice gun...more ammo...looks..golden^^...dunno if its reloading faster, but i m not really a fan of ak-47...bbut respect for those who can use it almost perfectly.
U said u have got ak-47 s...is it good?...is it worth the money?...could you(if its possible) make a screenshot while u have activated scope pls? just want to see how good is scope does it own?
Muerte -
put of the 3 crates the kriss is the best and ak is the worst in MY opinion.
this is because i believe ak camo is better than ak scope and is only 40 coupons (i think).
i also have m4 custom which is really good in s and because it has silencer. if i were you i would get m4 crates and get kriss or other gun with coupons.
don't give me abuse if you think i am wrong please.,. -
So i just can agree...because i saw videos from AK-scope and i was really disappointed.
I have the M4a1-Custom and i love it too^^nice gun...
so whats ur prooposition? should i buy JUST kriss cratescand when i opened them,and don t have enogh coupons,should i spend GP for the GP crates to get Coupons?
And whats about my friend? what do u think about him (500k GP - GP rates Yes or No?) should he bu the GP crates with all his money?
do u think that i will get kris with 123 Crates? (Just guess if u want) -
Im sure you will get 80 cupons
u mean including the GP crates? or just ZP crates?
But thx u said this...its an incentive for me to buy JUST KRISS crates.
Other question: WHEN i get the kriss from the crates...whcih gun should i buy wi´th the Coupons...? i cant decide but should i buy a PSG-1 Red Dragon? i like sniping really much but i also like the aug...
BTW:i have an AUG already and own but i dont have a PSG-1. do you think it is worth the money?...Saw also a few videos and think it's cool but i never used it so i ask u. -
I used almost 200k (around 170k) ZP to get one Gold D eagle... and of all the GP and ZP crates I got... I haven't even recieved one perm item, NOT EVEN one. (used over 500 crates)
And also the Gold D eagle is rubbish... On the website it it has 10/30 bullets but in the actual game it only have 10/20 bullets, its way worst than a normal d eagle. And yes,I have been scammed >_> -
buy your 10 crates of kriss, open once you buy, repeat until you get kriss. IF you get kriss before you run out of zp, switch to ak-s crates, simple as that
Ok i will think about that but i heard that when u buy more crates BEFORE u open them and then u open all on same time it increases your chances to win Kriss or coupons so it will be nice if someone could help me about that...if its the same chance when u have 10 crates or when u have 123 crates so i will make it like u said.
BTW:This guy who won 5 coup from 10 crates said the he spins about 1,5 secons...just red it by chance.
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