Lagging out

Lagging out is when, everyone on your screen, stops moving. They run in place, and they shoot in place, but nothing happens. You dont lose hp at all. But to the other people playing, they see you as running or shooting in place. And after about 6-11 seconds; it quits you out of the match completley, and your ping shoots up to about the 6000's. sometimes it happens withing 3 seconds of the match. I should be a second lieutenant if I didn't lag out. It makes me REALLY mad to play 12 rounds of an S&D match and then with 12 seconds left....I lag out. I gain little exp and its EXTREMLEY hard to rank up. Right now I am on a crummy laptop with an average of 10 fps. My computer had just about 50 fps. If anyone knows why this happenes, please, alot of people would like to know


  • Hmmm...

    And, all of the Room get Kicked? or only u?

    Coz many members of West Coast have a program that when is kiking u (Kicking the ppl who have these Program) and the kick is accepted, they crash the room, and all ppl in these room get kicked, so... u need to know who is these member, and try to no kick :S

    Is the only way...