Questions of wogl

1. Im pretty sure its wogl ruled am I right? Just checking. Don't flame me.

2.It will take place where? (What server and channel echo 8?)

3.How do I check who I am going against?

4.Are snipers allowed? Because it would be cheap sniper vs Assault and quick scoping eeh.

5.What TD maps because I cannot find this info.

Don't flame me. You don't have to answer all the questions. Just if you can please answer. Don't call me dumb I've searched around, but I just couldn't find it.

Leave links to the places where I can check ok tyvm.
YA I got 1k Post on this, but I've never joined a 1v1 tourny. It's just a learning experience for me I'm not planning on winning, but a good learning experience.
