to the noobs that call me a hacker in ghost mode

Since I continually get called 'hacker' or get a noob shouting 'hak kick' every time I play ghost mode. I thought I'd list all the ways that I can track a ghost and how you make yourself known as a ghost.

1. Running both makes you clomp around like a horse. We can hear you and when you rush you are almost completely visible.

2. when you go and plant the bomb, it makes a very loud beeping sound as you press the buttons and I can pinpoint to about where you are.

3. When the bomb is planted GET THE HELL OUT OF THE AREA. If you camp where you planted the bomb and I've been watching...then I will blast your face off.

4. If you B-hop in water, you will be known since you leave a splash every time you touch the water again.

5.I use head phones so if you don't have breath down I will hear you so do not be surprised if I walk past you for a second, hear your breath then turn around and spray the area I head the breathing at

6. crouch walking does not make you completely invisible.

7. I look up if I hear noise that doesn't match the floor I'm standing on. IE: complex the grating over B site makes a different sound than the metal floor.

I hope these have helped you get some common sense instead of QQing and kicking the pros from your ghost mode games.
