Clan Naked Recruiting!!!

To: Whoever it may concern...

Clan Naked is officially recruiting...

I wanted to make a pretty small clan, like 10-15 members not to rank the charts but to scrim with. I'd like to recruit those who are looking to scrim and can be pretty good at playing as a team.

If this is the type of clan you are looking for, please feel free to apply. Doesn't the clan name just turn you on? On to the clan that is...

1) Female...I get lonely on CF
2) 1 ^^ was a joke...all sexes are welcome.
3) KDR above 1.5...I know myne is.
4) NOT a D-Bag.
5) NO hackers...
6) Once again for emphasis...NO hackers...
7) Team player.
8) NO WHINING and calling other people hackers, chammers, and etc. It gets old and annoying.
