
[size=-1]Before I begin, i'd like to state that this guide is for intermediate players, so i'm not expecting any trolls/flaming against me or my thread. [/size]

00:50 AM: To start this guide, i'd like to enforce that all stratergies will be for the map Blackwidow, as a starting map. Also, all situations are based on a 5 vs 5 situation, as most scrims are played like this. Hopefully the advice I give will benefit other maps and not only Blackwidow.

1stROUND: You need to give yourself an idea of how the GlobalRisk (CT) are setting themselves up to defend against you. For instance, you might want to split up and cover ever possible spot on the map. Your going to want to look for: A. How many players there are in a cirtain site, and B. Where are the weak-points in the map. Get evey player in your team to report back on their findings, so you can plot a mental-map in your head of how they are setting up.

2ndROUND: Deduce which site would be easiest for you to take as a team, and fully rush into it. *Remember, once you get into the site and plant, dont go off fraghunting, make sure the bomb blows* For instance, if you notice from the first round that they are only playing one person on the CT side at B site, that would be easiest to take.
After you have planted the bomb safely, take note of the speed of the enemy's rotates and how agressive they play when rotating.

3rdROUND You can do 2 different things here, you can REALLY test the speed of the CT's rotates by throwing a fake, or if you feel safer rushing, then rush!
(When playing a fake, the idea is to make the enemy rotate into a site where your only pretending to push, then you will go inot an empty site as they have all rotated.) For example, you may want to rush towards B site as 5 people, and make sure all 5 of you throw your grenades towards B site, making the people in B call out for their team-mates help. Meanwhile, you have left B site and are running through middle and jumping into catwalk! Leaving you an empty A site.

4thROUND Now, at this point of the game you can work on something now to suit a stratergy later. For instance, if you manage to kill the guy defending the catwalk this round, and prehaps the round after; his natural Crossfire instinct will tell him to switch spots, and watch the catwalk from A site. If he does this, this leaves the catwalk clear and also bunches up the players defending A. The stratergy 'a split' is perfect for this case. A split is where 2 people will RUSH the catwalk and 3 will rush A long, this confuses the enemy and gives you the round.

5thROUND Vary your pace, if you have been playing quite fast, slow it down. Dont let the enemy become used to the style of play otherwise they will change sites to suit that. Try and make the important 'early pick' at the start of the round, this panics the enemy and stretches them apart, leaving the map wide open for you to take. A good snipe spot is at the very back of Blacklist spawn (T), have a sniper quickly peek the window for a pick on CT spawn, if he manages to make the kill, this means the enemy have one less player at a certain site.

6thROUND Throw something out of the blue, rush A long as a team, you may be able to catch CT site asleep and off of their toes. However, if you have been playing your game slowly, they may agress you, so make sure to 'prenade' those common spots and ensure you dont get picked off by a lucky player. Thats the main point of Crossfire, you want to be unpredictable, and skillful.

7thROUND Dont think because you have won this half you have won the game! You need to make every round count, so dont do anything stupid that might give the game away. Keep making that early pick if possible, and if theyre not showing themselves, push forweard as much as possible checking the camping spots, make sure you check EVERY single one.

Ok, for the last 2 rounds you do pretty much of the same thing, you make every round count and dont give anything away. Just an added bit: On the last round, the enemy might pull something random out of the bag such as rushing middle, dont let them get the better of you, keep your vent calls swift and sharp to get people flanking to help you out.

What to do if your getting beaten!

If you are getting beaten, say 3 - 0. Prehaps, and sometimes you have to admit, they have better skill than you. You CAN'T give up on the game however, you play lots of fakes, lots of small rotates and easy kills that will win you the rounds. It may seem sloppy, but if you win, you win. LOOK, keep your eyes out for the weakest person on their team, you might notice a weak sniper on B site, so that site would be easiest to take with minimal casualties.

After scrimming, make sure you practice the stratergies and spots as a clan. The more effort you put into training the more skill will show out when you scrim. If you train, flow will automatically interpret itself into your team. If you lose a scrim or two, dont think ''phuck it, im disbanding this clan.'' Instead think ''Right, i will save the replay and see where we went wrong as a team.'' If you show your team members respect and show them that you put effort into making the clan better, they will show you the same respect back.


Sorry for the short guide, I'm extreamly tired and bored, so I thought id just throw something out there to give people a good read. Leave me your thoughts and comments and ill maybe put them into my guide. I will also be adding to it myself over the days to make it better, as that one good idea might pop into my head and ill just add it in, so be sure to keep checking up for updates.
Thanks, Strapzy[cVs]
