Cross Fire Scrim/Ring Xfire Group

Yeah, so, seeing as the community kind of needs to get more competitive, I remembered that when the community was most competitive there was an Xfire Scrim list. It was made so clans can easily find scrims against GOOD and COMPETENT clans. I decided to make it again and transform it a bit.

This group is for everyone. I set it up basically like the CH10 Scrim group for SF because it's a good system.

Now, I know a lot of you are like, "There's clan servers, we don't need this.". Yeah, your right, there is. But in those clan servers are baddie clans, and most are hacking clans. I'm hoping that serious clans will join this group so they can find other serious clans to scrim OUT of the clan server (Or in if you prefer) to actually get good. Scrimming bad or hacking clans doesn't get you good, just aggravated.

I also realize there is another Xfire Scrim group. That isn't monitored anymore, so I decided to make this one, which will be monitored. :P

Anyways, I suggest everyone join this. It's for clans to find scrims, for clanless people to find clans, and for ringers to get a scrim once in a while. If it bombs, I'll just take it down. I hope it doesn't though :o

My Xfire: pubstarrr

*BTW* You can change your clan tag for JUST that Xfire group if you go to the homepage of that group AFTER you've joined it. Then you go to "Roster" and on the top there you can change your name. ^.^
