Make this game hack_free



  • u cheated. they weren't the same a few min ago.
    Anyway, it was just to prove u that i dont suck.
  • The next person that makes a pointless image reply like that is getting slapped with an infraction. It's spam, pure and simple. If your reply isn't on topic then DON'T MAKE IT!
    Back on topic: I agree with what other people said before. There are a lot of people who are making false accusations. Far more, in fact, than there are actual hackers. I played an Egypt TDM game not more than an hour ago and was called a hacker by a member of the opposing team just because he was ducked behind the barricade outside of his spawn, popped his head up, and I headshotted him.
    If you aren't 100% sure the person hacks, don't make an accusation. It just creates a hostile environment for legit players.

    I always get accused of hacking.
    I don't mind being accused, what I mind is being kicked from games.
    Little kids with next to no skill not being able to handle the fact that someone is better than them.
    And at 1.8 or so KD I consder myself an average player who has moments of greatness here and there, I can imagine what the real pro's go through.