Tournament ! LOL Full OF Hacker & Waste Ur Time!!!

I Dont Want to say it,but i need to tell u guy that if next Tournament Show Up,Plz dont sign for it,it gonna be waste ur clan zp and notthing for u!Why?let meh tell u guy the Reason.
1: Wall Hack
2:Armor-some clan they have skill but they dont rich like[FGT,Clover,MiHack[No]...]
3: Disconect druing game time
4:Frozen Roster
OK,let meh show u wat i think for each Reason....
1 WallHacking:alot of clan team complain that they vs a Wall Hacker,i think y GM dont do anything or try to stop it[GM join the game and recor it].
2 Armor: so obvious that some clan cant effor much ZP for themself and they need vs the another clan member who got armor.exp: let see if i shot u into the head 1st and u still alive,then u can have a change to kill meh back,cuz i dont have armor,Fair?It mean $.$ can do anything[CrossFire is skill Game,z8 plz dont make it become $$$ market].
3 I Have Notthing to Say about it,cuz if stupid jerk use that reason for rematch,then i cant say anything,But IF was the true that they DC,then Not Fair for a team who got Disconect,and they must continue...
4:If Ur team roster account was stolen,or he or her cant play at that time,so they got free Lose??Why Dont Tournament Let Different member that can play at that time join for him or her.If They Lost,they can take it,cuz Z8 give them a change to Win.

So Guy.Im just say wat i think,if u think that im not correct wat poin,plz im alway welcome u to say a true.
