
I report people from clan matches normally everytime we clan match and i finally thought i would look at the ban list.. and noticed that out of thousands of people less then 700 have been banned. Most of those have been banned for things other then hacking, but there are hundreds and thousands of hackers. A few people in each clan, a few without clans, heck ive reported speed hackers and invisibles and they havent been banned. I have also noticed that no one who buys zp gets banned ,EVER! So my question are the GMs actually doing something about hackers if less people are banned for hacking compared to inappropriate igns. To get this clear i am not badmouthing the staff i am just asking why plainly obvious hackers who buy zp never get banned.

For a long time now i have wanted to get together a community of players and clans dedicated to playing games and scrims without hackers. A community that informs each other of of hackers and where clans work together to keep each other hacker free.


  • Yeah, I wouldn't trust anything gregory says either. The guy's an asswhole(hehe) who I happen to run into often while playing FFA; He sucks in general and calls everyone out on cheating.
  • lol? your kidding me right? You can look at the ban list your self, you can look at the facts yourself. And dploy last time i saw you didnt i own you?
  • I'm saying I wouldn't trust who you call out on cheating and yes you do that often.

    Hmm... Owning me you say, congratulations. Care to pull up screenshots? until enjoy your gold bar
  • lol? i rarely call out people. and even when i do its cause they are showing signs of preaiming and prefiring or twitching like a aimbot ect.
  • moose66 wrote: »
    why dont they fix vip hack D:

    They cant fix vip hacks thats why they r vip plus vip hacks r zp buyers and if they did that they wold lose zp buyers , they cant even detect most vip paid hacks there is 1 used all the time by allot that goes undetected
  • boyerm wrote: »
    They cant fix vip hacks thats why they r vip plus vip hacks r zp buyers and if they did that they wold lose zp buyers , they cant even detect most vip paid hacks there is 1 used all the time by allot that goes undetected

    The GMs will ban all hackers, regardless of whether they are ZP buyers or not.

    Hackers unbanned -> People leave -> Even less people buy ZP -> Z8 lose money.
  • ChaosWrath wrote: »
    The GMs will ban all hackers, regardless of whether they are ZP buyers or not.

    Hackers unbanned -> People leave -> Even less people buy ZP -> Z8 lose money.

    u know every one keeps saying this but i dont see it , why is TheRockstar still playing CF?? and he/she is just 1 i have loads of replays that r hacks that havent been bann and they by zp and they r pub hackers easy to see that they hack and doing 360 spins??? so when i see it ill belive it and not just one or 2 here because they have to bann a few to make it look like they do and not the banns from the tournament i mean every day zp buying pub and vip hackers , SHOW ME THE PROOF BECAUSE I CAN SHOW PROOF OF ZP BUYING HACKERS THAT R STILL PLAYIN!!!!!!!!!
  • boyerm wrote: »
    u know every one keeps saying this but i dont see it , why is TheRockstar still playing CF?? and he/she is just 1 i have loads of replays that r hacks that havent been bann and they by zp and they r pub hackers easy to see that they hack and doing 360 spins??? so when i see it ill belive it and not just one or 2 here because they have to bann a few to make it look like they do and not the banns from the tournament i mean every day zp buying pub and vip hackers , SHOW ME THE PROOF BECAUSE I CAN SHOW PROOF OF ZP BUYING HACKERS THAT R STILL PLAYIN!!!!!!!!!

    First of all: TheRockstar: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=3303060

    He does not look like a ZP buyer at all, so your point is moot.

    There are also other reasons why hackers may not be banned.

    * You may not have included sufficient evidence.
    * The GMs are very busy, and may not be able to look through all the reports sent in.
    * A technical fault with the forum caused your report to be lost.
    * It may be unclear whether or not they are hacking (or maybe they're not even hacking)
  • ChaosWrath wrote: »
    First of all: TheRockstar: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=3303060

    He does not look like a ZP buyer at all, so your point is moot.

    There are also other reasons why hackers may not be banned.

    * You may not have included sufficient evidence.
    * The GMs are very busy, and may not be able to look through all the reports sent in.
    * A technical fault with the forum caused your report to be lost.
    * It may be unclear whether or not they are hacking (or maybe they're not even hacking)

    well ok any reason not to bann a hacker isnt a goood reason and just cause they dont have zp items on there weapons list dosent mean they ant zp buyer or just cause they dont have any right now , like i said show me the proof cause i have the proof they dont , i resubmitted the replays and screen shots 2 times so ??????????
  • boyerm wrote: »
    well ok any reason not to bann a hacker isnt a goood reason

    How many times have you had a hackusation?

    Once? Twice? A couple of times?

    Ok, you're going to get reported and banned. Thanks.


    ^ This applies to a lot of CrossFire players. If every "hacker" was banned, then CF would lose a large chunk of people, most of whom are legit.


    You haven't convinced me that TheRockstar is a ZP buyer (he sold most of his guns?), but that's not the point of this discussion anyway. If a blatant hacker is correctly reported with sufficient evidence, he will get banned.
  • if you dont believe me i can give you all my replays of every clan report i have ever done.
    But the fact that more people seem to get banned for inappropiate igns then hackin? that alone says alot. the fact that there are people who i have sent in replays of speeding and being invisible have never been banned. Not to mention the fact that hackers are reaching higher and higher ranks.
  • ChaosWrath wrote: »
    First of all: TheRockstar: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=3303060

    He does not look like a ZP buyer at all, so your point is moot.

    There are also other reasons why hackers may not be banned.

    * You may not have included sufficient evidence.
    * The GMs are very busy, and may not be able to look through all the reports sent in.
    * A technical fault with the forum caused your report to be lost.
    * It may be unclear whether or not they are hacking (or maybe they're not even hacking)

    oh and i gave more than enough evidence cause z8 says u only need replays i gave more (replays and screen shots)
  • ChaosWrath wrote: »
    How many times have you had a hackusation?

    Once? Twice? A couple of times?

    Ok, you're going to get reported and banned. Thanks.


    ^ This applies to a lot of CrossFire players. If every "hacker" was banned, then CF would lose a large chunk of people, most of whom are legit.


    You haven't convinced me that TheRockstar is a ZP buyer (he sold most of his guns?), but that's not the point of this discussion anyway. If a blatant hacker is correctly reported with sufficient evidence, he will get banned.

    Then why is Therockstar still playing????????? How about this u watch replay and see what u think???????
  • boyerm wrote: »
    oh and i gave more than enough evidence cause z8 says u only need replays i gave more (replays and screen shots)
    Things to include in your report:
    For Hacking/Cheating/Exploiting reports you must include a replay and at least 1-2 screenshots showing the player in the game.
    There is no exception to this rule and your report may be ignored if not completed properly.
    Replays are located in your Documents/Cross Fire/Replays folder.
    A screenshot of the player list is also acceptable. Press Tab and screenshot the list of players.

    The screenshots are a requirement, and are not extra.

    Send me the links to the replays and I'll judge them myself when I get the time. I'm off for today.
  • ChaosWrath wrote: »
    The screenshots are a requirement, and are not extra.

    Send me the links to the replays and I'll judge them myself when I get the time. I'm off for today.

    well z8 dosent require them only sadian dose so take that as u will , here is the link for TheRockstar

  • ChaosWrath wrote: »
    The screenshots are a requirement, and are not extra.

    Send me the links to the replays and I'll judge them myself when I get the time. I'm off for today.

    i have loads more if u want to see them let me know
  • Hacker

    I know this isnt really evidence but he has some kind of hack that when he holds a knife a right clicks it kills like everyone http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=4788134.Thank

    Also The Players for checkmate came and crashed our game there names are
    My proof is that my some of my clan members saw it Right when we got D/ced They Said"Yess Crashed YA!!.Thank you
  • Anyone who is interested in helping me get a crossfire forum community aside from z8 game's own website xfire me[gregoory is my xfire name]
  • chaos, I have to agree with that other guy though, I also sended a lot of obvious hackers to saidin, screenshots, replays etc, all correctly like it has been asked. not even 1 got banned, after like 2months or something.

    before saidin did it, and there were other admins, ALL of the people that I reported got banned, I wasn't even mistaken once, so, tell me, am I suddenly getting bad in checking hacks? did I lost my skills to see hackers just from 1 day at another?

    I'm in 2 anti-cheatteams myself (ACA, anti cheat team for Tactical Ops, CS mod for Unreal Tournament. And anti cheatteam from ClanBase) so I do think I have a lot of experience with it, and I won't often report someone unless I'm 100% sure, even if I think for 80% that he hacks, I wouldn't even report him yet. So I do have the feeling idd that the bannings atm aren't being done as they should. I think when they get 100 reports, they check 10 & delete the rest, that's what I think.

    I'm sorry bout this post, I like the game very much, but this is something I got mad at since a long time already. Didn't want to open a topic myself out of respect for the GM's, but well, since there already is this discussion...

    I'm not saying the GM's are bad or anything, I just hope that this message might show them that there might be something wrong ingame, so they might check the replays a bit better. Except for that, the GM's do an excellent job imo. and after all, nobody is perfect
  • If that is the case, then my guess would be that there aren't enough GMs now to cope with all the complaints. Probably the Z8/Suba split lost us a few GMs.
  • I've stated in a few other threads that I have reported and had banned a ZP buyer who was also a butter bar, although I have to say this was before Z8. I have seen quite a few bans since then, but I am 100% sure they can't keep up with the reports, although they should find a way because a frustrated customer is not going to remain a customer for long, and then they can have fun creating weapons and boards for a hacking only community. :rolleyes:
  • ChaosWrath wrote: »
    If that is the case, then my guess would be that there aren't enough GMs now to cope with all the complaints. Probably the Z8/Suba split lost us a few GMs.

    that is indeed the problem at this moment, but it's kind of hard to find new GM's that you can trust right away.

    so I don't think it'll get much better in the next few months.

    the GM's might not have enough time to ban them all, but at least they ban a few, better than nothing I suppose :)
  • Hacking is legal guys .
    They don't ban for this, they have to count their mountain of money, they can't waste their time for those stupid things .
  • ShinTuxSoo wrote: »
    Hacking is legal guys .
    They don't ban for this, they have to count their mountain of money, they can't waste their time for those stupid things .

    Hacking is very much illegal, and properly documented, blatant hackers will be banned.

    If it's not extremely obvious, then the GMs will err on the side of the supposed hacker. The GMs won't ban legitimate players who are incredibly skilled or just had a lucky game.
  • GSGregory wrote: »
    I report people from clan matches normally everytime we clan match
    no one who buys zp gets banned ,EVER! So my question are the GMs actually doing

    Umm,, first, if u report some one every time u cw,, then u are more likely reporting people who dont hack...(in other words, you are the noob that calls votes on me in 70% of the games i play..... NOOB) . i cw fairly often, and admit there is alot of hacking going on on the beta server.. but maybe only 1 out of 5 matches i recognize a hack.

    2nd.... This is not true and is a idea that has been proven as false by myself and others... i have found atleast 2 accts on the band list (months ago) that had spent zp (based on the number of guns they had.)
    More often then not hackers WILL not spend zp, so most of what is on band list are stickly free to play players.
  • RendoRazor wrote: »
    Umm,, first, if u report some one every time u cw,, then u are more likely reporting people who dont hack...(in other words, you are the noob that calls votes on me in 70% of the games i play..... NOOB) . i cw fairly often, and admit there is alot of hacking going on on the beta server.. but maybe only 1 out of 5 matches i recognize a hack.

    2nd.... This is not true and is a idea that has been proven as false by myself and others... i have found atleast 2 accts on the band list (months ago) that had spent zp (based on the number of guns they had.)
    More often then not hackers WILL not spend zp, so most of what is on band list are stickly free to play players.
    ok so in your theroy hackers wont spend money on ZP
    so explain to me why the wont spend money on ZP when they spend money on the VIP hacks for a free game
  • LCMDUSNSF wrote: »
    ok so in your theroy hackers wont spend money on ZP
    so explain to me why the wont spend money on ZP when they spend money on the VIP hacks for a free game

    If they spend money on CF, and they also cheat, then they must be stupid, they should be smart enough to figure out that they might get banned and lose money...
  • RendoRazor wrote: »
    Umm,, first, if u report some one every time u cw,, then u are more likely reporting people who dont hack...(in other words, you are the noob that calls votes on me in 70% of the games i play..... NOOB) . i cw fairly often, and admit there is alot of hacking going on on the beta server.. but maybe only 1 out of 5 matches i recognize a hack.

    2nd.... This is not true and is a idea that has been proven as false by myself and others... i have found atleast 2 accts on the band list (months ago) that had spent zp (based on the number of guns they had.)
    More often then not hackers WILL not spend zp, so most of what is on band list are stickly free to play players.

    you misunderstood me when i said everytime i clanwar. i was not refering to each individual clan match but everytime we go clan matching.
  • GSGregory wrote: »
    if you dont believe me i can give you all my replays of every clan report i have ever done.
    But the fact that more people seem to get banned for inappropiate igns then hackin? that alone says alot. the fact that there are people who i have sent in replays of speeding and being invisible have never been banned. Not to mention the fact that hackers are reaching higher and higher ranks.

    I have been doing better with visual replies lately, so here's my contribution:


    Also, whoever keeps making their text black, cut it out. It hurts my eyes and doesn't make you cooler.