What is the most humiliating gun to die from?

I have an ak47/anaconda as well as awm/deagle so I'm set there, but I'm planning to get a humiliation gun for S&D/TD in clan wars.


(Long range Headshots=Lethal at any range) Can kill multiple people if they don't kill you in time

Uzi: You can be a ninja!
Only lethal in extreme close range. Can't really kill past one person with the clip :S

Spas: Shotgun Semi-Ninja?

I don't know lol. Let's see, how would I feel killing 3 people with M60? Pretty dam good lol, I would love the 100 bullet clip in that scenario. How would I feel if I killed 3 people with Uzi? lol Wow. I don't see that happening but that would be sick lol. I can be ninja with it too ;) How would I feel killing 3 people with spas? Ehh, not that great tbh lol.

Share your thoughts. Ninja or long range headshotter? lol
