Spas12 VS XM1014

So what shotty should i get? FLAME FOR THE GUNS (No dont really, against the rules, lol). Spas 12 reloads slower, has more ammo, more recoil, more power and more "zoom" then XM1014, but this shotty has more accuracy, fires faster, and has less recoil upon rapid fire then the Spas12 (If your wondering, im asking to see which one to get FIRST, im gettin ZP in about 2 weeks, after my 13th birthday party. so ill probably get around 80k zp, so lots of gp and crates :eek:) Ive tried both out and like both.
So now America, (and other countries)(or at least the ones who play CrossFire) Its time to decide xD Choose your gun of choice and on the 51th post (50 Replys), what ever gun has more votes WILL BE CHOOSEN FOR VICTORY!!!!! The lines have now opened. Begin the voting xD
