[DEAD!]Offical Mutant Mode week in game event!

Hpx and I will be hosting numerous of events today! :D

So lets get those guns ready and hunt us some Mutants! (or try to survive)

Event will consist of the following and these will be based on MM mode only and will consist of 9 rounds.

1st game - Last man standing

Last surviver each round will get a code worth 5k GP. If there are no surviers no one gets a code. If there are 2 or more people, we will whisper you a code.

no one survived

2nd game: Mutant bounty killer

Player that kills the most Mutants will get a GP code.

Qibot is the winner....in order to survive a real Mutant attack we must stick with him.

3rd game: Top Killer

Player that has the highest score will get a GP code

4th game: ELITE Mutant bounty killer

We will say that this will be the MAIN EVENT. Player that kills a mutant with a melee weapon will get a ZP code worth 2k!

Oriochix is declared the Elite Mutant killer with 1 melee kill!

Thanks to those who played! Next event will be at 4:30pm EST!


1st event: Snipe a mutant win 5k GP
Anyone that kills a mutant with any sniper will get 5k GP!

2nd event: Last man standing part 2.
Since no1 survived the full round, I'll be making this one easier. Last person not becoming a mutant will win 5k GP!


- You can only win a GP code once. For example: If you kill a mutant with a sniper and you kill another mutant again, you will not get 2 GP codes. You will only get the GP once.
- Do not block other players
- Do not glitch
- Do not Q_Q about not winning an event
- Do not lag jump
- Once you win an event, we will kick you out so other players have a chance to win
- Any of the rules that are broken will get you disqualifed and kicked.


