The Crossfire Dictionary

Post here all the Crossfire terms, sayings and etc down here that you come across. I want to make a list of it and it should be fun. :D

Ace: A player who has achieved a high level of performance in a game and have a high amount of kills. A player with the highest amounts of kills in a game is known as Ace 1st and generally seen as the individual winner of a game.

Aimbot: A hack in which the program automatically aims at the head of an enemy, whether they are behind walls or not. Also can act as a reveal of Ghosts.

Assassin: Any kill a player has achieved using a melee weapon.

Automatic Fire: With any weapon with continuous fire, automatic fire is when you hold in the click and keep shooting regardless of recoil.

Black List: A terrorist mercenary organization of the game. They are involved in heavy fighting with the Global Risk mercenaries and are constantly trying to demolish important locations. They fight for profit only.

Bunny Hopping: A method of moving without revealing yourself when playing as Black List in Ghost Mode. It earns its name by the distinctive constant jumping the Ghost makes.

Camping: A tactic of hiding and awaiting an enemy to approach you. Often used by snipers and is an effective anti-ghost tactic.

Chamming: A common hack on Crossfire often used on Ghost Mode to reveal hidden enemies.

Flickshot: A method of sniping a moving target with ease. The sniper 'flicks' his mouse towards the target and fires the sniper rifle whilst the crosshairs move.

Global Risk: A mercenary organization made up of the majority of ex special forces operative. They are the sworn enemies of Black List and are seeking to improve their influence on the world's war on terror. They fight for freedom, whilst earning a little on the side.

Hacker: Anyone who uses an illegal program in game in their gameplay. Also commonly confused with a 'pro.'

Headshot: A kill type in which a player makes the killing hit by hitting an enemy in the head or neck. Headshots are instant kill in type.

Machine Gun: A heavy weapon with large ammunition capacities and fires rifle cartridges. They are inaccurate by character (though often are able to be effective counter-snipers) and have big recoil, but are very powerful and are able to sustain continuous automatic fire for long periods of time. They are also very heavy, and are effective when a player is supported by a Rifler or Submachine Gunner.

Melee Weapon: Any weapon that has unlimited usage and will only harm someone at point blank range. Melee weapons always have either a sustained and rapid, but weak attack or an accurate and powerful, but slow attack. Melee weapons are highly powerful but suffer from the fact that they have a very limited range, and are often stopped by firearms.

Noob: An abbreviation for Newbie, a noob is any player new to the game and has no experience in game, as well as plays ineffectively in game.

Pistol: A firearm very small in form and highly maneurverable, these weapons fire pistol cartridges and are generally weak and used as last resort. They are effective at short-medium range firefights and often have low magazine capacities. Most pistols also are semi-automatic.

Popcorn: A kill in which a player has used a lethal thrown weapon to kill a player. Not to be confused with the popular junk food of the same name.

Pro: A player who has a large amount of experience and consistently performs of a high standard. Commonly confused with a 'hacker' and often members of clans and have high rank, these players often turn the tides of battles.

Rifle: A weapon which fires full sized rifle cartridges with automatic capabilities. Rifles combine accuracy, power and rate of fire in one, making them one of the most versatile of weapons in game.

Shotgun: A weapon that fires a multiple amount of pellets at an area instead of one shot at a time. These weapons have a high level of spreading in the shots and thus are only effective at close range. However the combined damage of all the pellets makes them extremely powerful at close range.

SMG: An SMG (Submachine Gun) is an automatic weapon that rapidly fires pistol cartridges (with the exception of the K1A with rifle cartridges.) These weapons rapidly fire and generally are low in accuracy, and weaker than rifles. Thus they are highly effective at close range, but suffer at most other ranges.

Sniper: A player who generally uses sniper weapons in game and prefers to fight at very long distances. These players are highly dangerous due to the range advantages and high powered weapons they usually have.

Sniper (Rifle): A rifle that has a very slow rate of fire and a zoomable scope attached. These weapons can come in bolt-actioned (single reload) and semi-automatic forms. These weapons have very long range, high accuracy and are highly powerful, but suffer from their lack of short-medium range capabilities. These weapons also have no non-zoomed crosshairs, making them very inaccurate without being zoomed.

Quickshot: A method of sniping at any range of which the player quickly zooms in his scope on his rifle, fires and relocates.

Thrown Weapon: A weapon (lethal or passive) that is thrown and has an arched trajectory. Thrown weapons, also known as grenades, are single use per round.

Wall Hack: An illegal program that allows a player can shoot firearms through solid walls.

Wall Shot: A kill in which a player fire through a non-solid wall and hits another player.

Feel free to add in anything you want. Comments too please.
