How ret4rded you need to be?

I'm just wondering, how ret4rded you need to be to work in Z8Games? (Since all of the Z8 staff are obviously brain disabled, or at least handicapped). Y'see, my uncle has Alzheimer. I don't know if it's enough of a ret4rdation to work in Z8Games. But I think he will be able to keep the M12 unnerfed, the game completely disbalanced and turned out to greed (he's also very greedy). So yeah, I'm just wondering. There shall be a stupid'o'meter. Like you know:

0 = Average Joe
- 1 = Slow Joe
- 2 = Ret4rded Joe
- 3 = Mentally disabled Joe
- 4 = Brain dead Joe
- 5 = Z8Games employee

What do you think? Is my uncle ret4rded enough? Because Z8Games have high ret4rdation standarts =/ ... I mean, a monkey would nerf M12. Z8Games didn't. A brain dead psycho wouldn't "patch" the temp guns GP income. Z8Games did. If you cut a head off, and let the corpse by itself, even completely without a brain, the corpse would have placed the AKs-74u in item shop and the Winchester-Scope in ZP crates. Z8Games didn't.

I'm not sure if it's possible for a human being to conform to levels of ret4rdation Z8Games have =/ ... Maybe they recruit only specops, you know, genetically modified humans, so the stupidity can get beyond any possible levels.

I hope Uncle Benz gets this job. He's really badly ret4rded, and I want him to feel smart. He'll surely feel smart around Z8Games' employees. Hm, well, not exactly ... He won't feel smart ... He INDEED will be smarter than them. But oh well, who cares?


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