Pubstar is Back - Looking

Hey, I used to be a top 10 sniper at my top playing time back in May-ish. I've played for tons of top teams and have a lot of exp in CF.

Teams I've played for -
Life Line
Area 51

And other teams that don't really matter. I also created CF PUG which is pretty much dead (Sorry :/). Anyways, I've been around the game for a while, I can get 20+ vouches saying I'm good.

I'm looking for a team that doesn't lose. I'm not used to losing scrims/matches. I'm also looking for a team with Vent/Xfire and is able to take criticism and give it. Also a team that is willing to try new things and listen.


Xfire: pubstarrr

Or post here.

*Note* lol btw..I just pubbed with some kid named WonTon who told me I wasn't on Life Line or Area 51, or didn't create CF PUG, and didn't own xG. (I was a co-owner, so I guess he's right kind of lol). If you see this kid, tell him he's an absolute fool lol. Kids these days. :o
