Strikers-better than ever before every day

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clan Strikers is Recruiting~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hello, I've just made my own clan after being in 3 clans in 6 months(reason i quit is private, but i was NOT clan hopping). I've learned alot after 6 months i've seen clan point clans, scrim clans, and nub clans (no offense). I've figured out how to have a perfect clan, but i just have one problem i haven't Recruited anyone. So I'm making a post of Requirements on the forums if you'd like to join my clan. there it is:

Be mature
Be skillful
and have ventrilo (my clan do not have a ventrilo yet but i'll get it when we get more players)
and of course no hack
and if u think I hack u gotta be kidding u'll not be accepted I'm a legit player and i have some ups and downs.

Ps: I would be very happy if u are active player
