C-Walk and FallShot


In this work I will be covering two techniques in CrossFire called the C-Walk and the FallShot. Both of these exploit the game engine, however they are not currently (October 29, 2010) illegal in WOGL or Vanilla CrossFire.


The C-Walk
The full name of this technique is called the Crab Walk. This technique works the same way as the K-Walk (Korean Walk) in Soldier Front, that is by exploiting the lack of sound at the beginning of the running sound loop.

How to perform: Hold either one of the strafe keys in the direction you wish to travel. Begin running that direction. After an around half a second, tap the "Shift" (Walk) key. Continue tapping Shift in regular intervals. Do not travel forwards, backwards, or on a diagonal, only left or right.

Why it works: When you strafe, the sound loop has a small section of silence at the very beginning. By tapping Shift, you reset the sound loop. This allows you to move at almost full speed while keeping an aspect of stealth. You do sacrifice some vision, as you have to look perpendicular to your direction of travel.

This technique is most useful in sections of the map that are difficult to bunny hop on, such as stairs. It is also useful to shoulder peak corners at full speed, while remaining silent. This technique may replace bunny hopping if techniques along the "Early Jump Line" are banned from competitive play.


The FallShot
As the name suggests, this technique allows you to make a shot from any gun with 100% accuracy while falling. This mean that you shoot the gun as if you were crouching on the ground.

How to perform: Stand on the ledge you will fall off of. Ready your gun for firing. When the time comes, run off the edge without hitting the jump button. As you fall, hold the crouch key and fire.

Why it works: Unlike other games, CrossFire only applies air penalty when the action of jumping takes place. This means that if you do not initiate the jump, the game will not say that a jump has taken place. This allows for fully controlled sprays and accurate sniper shots while falling through the sky.

This technique is most useful for snipers, in areas where they can take the shot and land in a secure area (e.g. Black Widow A plat to A stairs). Because no one can register on you as you fall, you are invincible for a short time.

N- This technique will most likely be banned from competitive play, however I have no assurance it will be.


F.N- I take collaboration credit for the discovery of the C-Walk, I take no credit for the discover of the FallShot. Good luck employing these as you see fit. If you have any questions, feel free to xFire me @ theartofn
