Nothing changes

hi everyone my ign is T0psh0t i had a month off playing this game but just played a few games to see if anything was better.After downloading a few patches i thought hmm maybe so off i go.first game get ace and called hacker 4 times i just lol to myself and thought nope nothing has just the kidz crying as always.Did notice how dead the servers were tho its like a ghost town out there.Didnt notice any noticable hacks tho only played 3 rounds so not sure on that at the moment.Such a shame that a good game like this is dying oh well im old so i dont play fps hardly at all now.Ive left my clan ghost as i dont play competitive any more just for fun now and again.Just like to finnish off with if you do play me and i pwn u im sorry i dont cheat never have its just a brain and experience your up against.happy fragging all have fun and dont QQ everyone after all its very easy to spot a hack.just watch and learn......Bye.
