ComeClarityy's Insight



  • Main reason it's dieing is hackers. No matter WHAT they do. Hacks/Hackers will always be the biggest and unsolvable issue. They get banned they make another acc. It's a 1 minute process. If yoru not gonna out a south american server or theres isnt going to be a saouth amercian version. Kick all pings over 200 as laggers and BR scrubs are they second biggext issue.

    #puto maricon hackzor!
  • Hey Clarityy, don't remember playing you but here's what I think:

    When you're either very bored or very curious about your old buddies, check them out. Else just let people know where you're going.

    For me, the answer lies in three numbers in descending order: 11.10.09
  • the GG in CF are both developed at a fine state, You think KOS is a great game right now. Within months the game will be clouded with hackers, Like crossfire. They are looking for the best new thing to move onto. I don't know if you agree or disagree, But the hackers will move along with you guys into this "KOS" It's just a matter of time.

    Hackers are a big problem in almost all FPS games, its inevitable.

    Also, I am certain that hackers are being banned but at an unknown pace.