The Best Way To Buy ZP
I'm writing this little guide because I bought ZP using Google Checkout and I didn't receive it. Luckily you can cancel a Google Checkout order in the first 15 minutes so I did. Click and Buy seemed someone shady so I tried PayPal next. It didn't work at first, it just got stock on a loading screen. Then I thought I'd try PlaySpan but when I was looking through their forum I found some suspiciously inaccessible Crossfire ZP threads. I read all the posts about not getting ZP for a week and that's just not for me, so here's what I did. Got my ZP right away.
1) Go to the Mall and log in using Mozilla Firefox.
2) Buy ZP using the PayPal option.
3) Log in to your PayPal account.
4) Wait until PayPal brings you back to Z8Games, don't click the redirect link, let it take it's time.
5) Enjoy your ZP.
Thought I'd post this for anyone who was experiencing similar doubts.
Oh, and if it's worth a hoot, I think it makes more sense to buy the M4A1 advanced for 30/90 Days rather than gamble on M4A1 Custom (which some users report spending 100+ on!)
1) Go to the Mall and log in using Mozilla Firefox.
2) Buy ZP using the PayPal option.
3) Log in to your PayPal account.
4) Wait until PayPal brings you back to Z8Games, don't click the redirect link, let it take it's time.
5) Enjoy your ZP.
Thought I'd post this for anyone who was experiencing similar doubts.
Oh, and if it's worth a hoot, I think it makes more sense to buy the M4A1 advanced for 30/90 Days rather than gamble on M4A1 Custom (which some users report spending 100+ on!)
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