MSG90 guide
I won it just today! It automatically became my sniper rifle of choice cuz of the lightweight. I like the single zoom better than the 2 zoom feature in the awm. It has the ability to spray but I treat it like my awm. Thus, making my shots count. The best part is I can walk with this on while I shoot. Took me 7 crates to do this on my first purchase of 10 crates!Too bad I still need to train myself to become a better sniper!
Hmmm...I won the thompson last month then this month is msg90! I wonder what surprise is in store for me on the next month?! Cant wait to find out. -
I won it just today! It automatically became my sniper rifle of choice cuz of the lightweight. I like the single zoom better than the 2 zoom feature in the awm. It has the ability to spray but I treat it like my awm. Thus, making my shots count. The best part is I can walk with this on while I shoot. Took me 7 crates to do this on my first purchase of 10 crates!Too bad I still need to train myself to become a better sniper!
Hmmm...I won the thompson last month then this month is msg90! I wonder what surprise is in store for me on the next month?! Cant wait to find out.
O.o look at right bottom...ALMOST WON 2 IN ONE CRATE OMFG -
HerpDerped wrote: »Step 1: Zoom in
Step 2: Aim
Step 3: Hold down fire button when you see your target
Step 4: Reload
Step 5: Repeat
Step 6: ????
Step 7: PROFITHerpDerped wrote: »that's my point..........
its the M12 or SR
dumb guide. it has way too much recoil to hold left click, especially long range.
you can hold left click with psg rd and be successful but if anything, the awm camo is the m12 of snipers -
FlyleafVevo wrote: »dumb guide. it has way too much recoil to hold left click, especially long range.
you can hold left click with psg rd and be successful but if anything, the awm camo is the m12 of snipers
by the time you can fire another shot, the scope already back on the target -
HerpDerped wrote: »its M12 of SR
^ that is the high recoil of msg90.
i think you're just mad because some one beat you down with it and you havn't used one for yourself. 1 out of 5 bullets hit the mark. 3 out of 5 completely missed the target... and that's without some one shooting back. if you get hit by a bullet the scope goes crazy. and you'll always need 2 shots to kill some one.
watch in 720p to see the sub par accuracy of it too.
this is one of the hardest snipers to be successful with. -
FarsightXR21 wrote: »
^ that is the high recoil of msg90.
i think you're just mad because some one beat you down with it and you havn't used one for yourself. 1 out of 5 bullets hit the mark. 3 out of 5 completely missed the target... and that's without some one shooting back. if you get hit by a bullet the scope goes crazy. and you'll always need 2 shots to kill some one.
watch in 720p to see the sub par accuracy of it too.
this is one of the hardest snipers to be successful with.
because the vid is BS.........
ask anybody who have MSG..... -
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