About pings

"and still people forget the power of the ping!
30 ping is way much easyer to play with than 140 (like i have)
it is not an advantage at all, it is just:
when i try to get behind a wall - the other his screen still can see me... when im actually behind
and it is not at reverse... trust me

Euro players are getting underrated by many USA/CA players, but remember 1 thing
those euro players still snipes USA and CA people out HARD with 140 ping
what if they have 10 ping? you are nothing than right?

If the UK servers are there. try to get in 1 room and just play a few matches... let's see how fast you ragequit cuz of the lag

-Devourz "

Just wanna bring that up :P


  • Foxx2k9 wrote: »
    "and still people forget the power of the ping!
    30 ping is way much easyer to play with than 140 (like i have)
    it is not an advantage at all, it is just:
    when i try to get behind a wall - the other his screen still can see me... when im actually behind
    and it is not at reverse... trust me

    Euro players are getting underrated by many USA/CA players, but remember 1 thing
    those euro players still snipes USA and CA people out HARD with 140 ping
    what if they have 10 ping? you are nothing than right?

    If the UK servers are there. try to get in 1 room and just play a few matches... let's see how fast you ragequit cuz of the lag

    -Devourz "

    Just wanna bring that up :P


    i have 120/30 ping!

    I can play normaly but obvius they have advantage!

    As soon the Eu servers are up we will play beter and normaly^^!
  • cant wait till i actually get a proper ping.
  • Q.Q Q.Q Q.Q MOAAAR!!!! Live with it!! Or wait until uk server comes >.>
  • D0nTpaNiC wrote: »
    Q.Q Q.Q Q.Q MOAAAR!!!! Live with it!! Or wait until uk server comes >.>

    Dude, shut up?
  • I know this may not be a Z8 problem, I know this may be the cause of other things delaying the launch for euro servers and that it may not be related to you in the slightest. However, you made the decision for the monopoly over dedicated servers, so I’m getting up your arses about it.

    The line of patience is going to get pretty thin for european players if there's no server by the end of october. The potential for cf dies a little everyday.

  • i know alot of people that gonna rage quit so hard if its the 31 and still a no show
  • Foxx2k9 wrote: »
    "and still people forget the power of the ping!
    30 ping is way much easyer to play with than 140 (like i have)
    it is not an advantage at all, it is just:
    when i try to get behind a wall - the other his screen still can see me... when im actually behind
    and it is not at reverse... trust me

    Euro players are getting underrated by many USA/CA players, but remember 1 thing
    those euro players still snipes USA and CA people out HARD with 140 ping
    what if they have 10 ping? you are nothing than right?

    If the UK servers are there. try to get in 1 room and just play a few matches... let's see how fast you ragequit cuz of the lag

    -Devourz "

    Just wanna bring that up :P
    Higher pings are obviously harder to kill because I have a 37 ping steady all day and I get smashed easy because I dont lag at ALL so there is no package misconception.. Its crap pple with higher ping and laggers need fixed.... I cant seem to even hit you guys with a ping 150 or higher
  • Pubscrub wrote: »
    I know this may not be a Z8 problem, I know this may be the cause of other things delaying the launch for euro servers and that it may not be related to you in the slightest. However, you made the decision for the monopoly over dedicated servers, so I’m getting up your arses about it.

    The line of patience is going to get pretty thin for european players if there's no server by the end of october. The potential for cf dies a little everyday.


    meh i even fcked the hope of getting a UK server
    i would like it if they would actually make it

    also what happed to your other forum account Dploy?
    D0nTpaNiC wrote: »
    Q.Q Q.Q Q.Q MOAAAR!!!! Live with it!! Or wait until uk server comes >.>

    i think you are at 30/40 ping right ?
  • Lol because YOU lag you think that we have a huge advantage?

    When I'm uploading a youtube video I get 800 - 2000 ping and I've played a few games.

    I can't die. I run around shooting kids and occasionally I'll take 27 damage, but I rarely die.
    The reverse side of that is: I don't get any kills. I shoot where the people are, but they aren't actually there so I do no damage.

    Lag works both ways. Get CS and find a Euro server, or wait for the CF one. Less QQ.
  • having higher or lower ping is not advantage to either side really

    it's double edge sword

    because if you have higher ping against lower ping player; as devourz said yes once lower ping player hides behind wall, higher ping player can still see it little and shoot and somehow kill

    but if you think about it different way

    when higher ping person has to come out of corner, the lower ping player can see it "eariler" than the player himself who is coming out of corner

    thus making it look like lower player is hacking because he shot so "early" and kill him

    when I'm playing pub I don't even really try to run away to corner because I'll just die behind those walls :P

    better to stand still and aim for head shot to kill them faster
  • Lol because YOU lag you think that we have a huge advantage?

    When I'm uploading a youtube video I get 800 - 2000 ping and I've played a few games.

    I can't die. I run around shooting kids and occasionally I'll take 27 damage, but I rarely die.
    The reverse side of that is: I don't get any kills. I shoot where the people are, but they aren't actually there so I do no damage.

    Lag works both ways. Get CS and find a Euro server, or wait for the CF one. Less QQ.

    800-2000 is a whole fking other thing then 100-150 , now gtfo or wait till you come in my UK server
  • i usually have around 39 ping, ;) i didnt know i was so special :P
  • I can own pretty well with a 110-130 ping...
  • Euro players have a right to complain, EU server was announced months ago, and its just now been slated for "sometime in october"
  • At Z8 HQ: "We got so many European players guys, I think we should make...a West Coast server! :D"

    God I remember how hard I facepalmed when I saw that news was comming out...
  • Foxx2k9 wrote: »
    800-2000 is a whole fking other thing then 100-150 , now gtfo or wait till you come in my UK server

    Haha wow kid.

    What are your rage levels at?

    Probably over 9000.

    Oh well, QQ, QQ.

  • QQ moar

    I have 18 ping. 120+ in west. When I play in west, I can demolish everyone still and even easier.

    I peak around a corner
    I quickscope
    He dies


    Because my model is delayed by my huge ping you fool.
    you just have to play differently depending your ping
  • Someone school me in the intricacies of using ping.
  • Alright, here goes...

    In a game, bring up the large map with the "~" key. Look down at your fingers on the keyboard, it's to the left of the number 1. You can also find it above "Tab".

    Keep the large map up and with your other fingers, move around the map by pressing wasd keys. You will notice that with more ping, the more delayed your physical movements register on the big map. Even with 80 ping you will notice a slight delay.

    In CS:S you choose to scan servers by region (US:West, US:Central, US:East, Europe:West, Europe:East, Asia:East, etc.). You then get alot of servers so you filter by map, then by ping. Even after all that, on US:West I still get over 50 servers for cs_office or de_dust2, ALL with 50 ping or less. And I always choose servers with ping around 20. Everyone else does the same thing and you get servers with everyone on 20 ping. This is why CS:S is competitive even in pubs. Unless I play a Russian server, I won't die behind a brick wall. Though since it's server-side game people always QQreg (shots not registering). For some reason CF shots always reg even if it's delayed. Guess that's the perk of client side games.

    Due to the lack of servers in CF, everyone has to deal with playing with people who lag (by my definition, anyone with ping over 50ms). The ONLY positive I can see from this is everyone knows everybody, and the community is small and thus responsive. But it hurts gameplay so, so much.

    Foxx, remember what Vintage used to say about ping. My take is that ping goes both ways. Stackup the ping of you and your opponent. The greater the number the greater your invulnerability time when you whip around a corner from a standing position, or peek with rifle/snipe. If you see Sneeze play he NEVER idle-camps around a corner, he's always mini-peeking.

  • Im so hyped about the new server...............
    Stomach ache-
  • Foxx2k9 wrote: »
    "and still people forget the power of the ping!
    30 ping is way much easyer to play with than 140 (like i have)
    it is not an advantage at all, it is just:
    when i try to get behind a wall - the other his screen still can see me... when im actually behind
    and it is not at reverse... trust me

    Euro players are getting underrated by many USA/CA players, but remember 1 thing
    those euro players still snipes USA and CA people out HARD with 140 ping
    what if they have 10 ping? you are nothing than right?

    If the UK servers are there. try to get in 1 room and just play a few matches... let's see how fast you ragequit cuz of the lag

    -Devourz "

    Just wanna bring that up :P

    I find it much harder to play some1 with high ping , u have to hit them more times because of there lag its like they have armor , ppl with same ping or close to same ping puts up a better fight cause they have no lag so when u hit them u hit then but they do move a little faster makes it more fun . any1 else find this to be true , i mean it depends on how bad they lag to cause they can lag so bad they cant hit u much at all.