Resolution Solution?
Hey guys i play cf on 1440x900 rez, so i finished patching my game and go to play. My resolution is crappy so i go to change the settings back to 1440x900 but it now says my monitor can't support it?? it was fine before the patch and i havent changed a thing. so im done with cf till this gets fixed. Any suggestions?
rune101rune wrote: »To those of you who cannot select the wide resolutions and have Nvidia cards (most likely works for ATI too) and Windows Vista here is how to fix it. Go to control panel then go to System and Maintenance then scroll down until you see Nvidia Control Panel click it, then on the left side clock "manage custom resolutions", click create. Then in the Horizontal Desktop Pixels slot put 1280, then in the Vertical Desktop Pixels put 800 and click test to see if your monitor will work at that resolution. Then open Crossfire and now you should be able to select the resolution of 1280x800 or 1440x900. Hope this works for everyone having the problem and enjoy.
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