Crossfire: Clan matches

To begin, this guide will help clans of a intermediate level see the more mental part of the game rather than just the physical. Also, all examples I use are based on a 5 vs 5 Blackwidow situation, (just because this is one of the most frequent map played when clan matching). I dont claim to be the 'best' in the game, or even in the top 10% of players; however, I do know how to play, and can offer advice to some people inside the game.
[red] Simple GR guidlines [red]
When playing Global Risk in a clan match, the best possible thing you can be is unpredictable. You do not want to be easy to figure out, or want to have your favourite camping spot prefired every time you sit there. Face it; its frustraiting when the enemy has a higher mental skill level than you.
The average set up for many of the clans that I have been in is
1 A, 2 Catwalk, 1 Mid and 1 B.
Now, you might be thinking, ''Well why have so little at B, you might get overrun easily?'' Well, the answer to that is that the two players on 'Catwalk' can rotate around the map quicker than any other position on GR. They have sights on BL spawn, A site, B water and bridge, Middle and also GR spawn. The player at B would be an AK-47 user probably, he would throw his grenade directly into the middle of the rush and spray whilst retreating into GR spawn. By this time he should have all ready called out the fact that it's B site, so the two people on Catwalk will already be pushing the B bridge area to flank.
Now, look what we have, 3 or 2 players on the BL team half injured from the damage of the B site player, and a main force, with 2 people flanking behind them. As you make your way into B site, there will usually be two active players trying to get picks on the GR team, and 3 camping players that hide to make sure the bomb blows, so make sure you check your camping spots before charging in and defusing the bomb. Make sure you also go into B site to defuse the bomb as a team, otherwise the enemy will pick you off one by one as you walk in.
As GR, make sure you defend your sites and do not push unless told to by the leader or 'strat caller.' You have to follow the plan, dont scream on vent/xfire/ts or any programme you use. Keep your speech simple, for instance ''A site, 3 people horseshoe.'' So definately not ''A site i think theres around... one second... one, two, three people waiting by the horseshoe theyre not pushing yet theyve only got snipers and i dont know why theyre not pushing they must be noobs.'' See the difference?
Gosh, theres so many things I could cover, but i'd be here all night. You can use headphones to your advantage, let your team know if you hear a gun reload at the horseshoe if you are on the Catwalk, this awakens the guys defending A and makes them ready to start shooting, maybe even prefire it...
You could set up plans such as ''A 1, or A 2, or A3.'' Meaning you all go in different set spots to take the element of suprise by being not predictable. Doing this means you give the enemy a hell-ova-lot more to do rather than just checking one spot that you always sit in.
[red] Moving onto Blacklist [red]

When playing Blacklist, you have to try and sus out the GR spots and check how predictable they are. I dont like to steal other people guides, so check out Dexins guide to how he thinks during the game, it helped me alot and now i am a much better strat caller in my opinion.
Round 1: A TEST ROUND: See if the enemy rotate really fast, or not at all? See how many they set up at each different area. See if they play agressive or passive, camping or bursting from spots. as a strat caller you have to take in all of these aspects into consideration.
Round 2: If they rotate really fast, dont feel alarmed! Try to play this to your advantage! You could run towards B site making as much noise as possible, then quickly roate into A site and plant the bomb whilst theyre waiting for you at B! If they dont rotate at all, full on rush a site.
Round 3: Try something different, split up, take a pick before going. If you vary your gameplay, the enemy will be really confused.
Round 4: See whats been working so far, and go for it again.
Round 5: Do something wacky, just to muddle the play up abit, rush mid, rush cat. Do something fullon hard and most of the time it works as you catch the enemy off guard.
Round 6: Keep doing what works best
Round 7: Keep doing what works best
Round 8: If the score is tight, you have to rethink your stratergies, try something totally out of the blue.
Final round: You should be saying ''GG'' by now as you already have won, but if its all down to this round, rush B site, its the best chance of success.
Thankyou for reading
