Written By Denxi (Skill, Psychology, and Movement)

Thread is for organizational purposes. Guide stickies take up like half of the front page.

This thread will be locked, if you have any feedback then please post on the specific guides thread. Or, if you just want to tell me how awesome I am, xfire: colossalkoala

Below is a list of guides written my yours truly, a majority of which touch on movement and/or psychology in Cross Fire. Click the name to be linked to said article.


Article: Skill - An article describing a) My opinion on what "skill" is, and b) describing how a "pro" player's subconscious thought process works.

The Art of the Mind F*** Parts 1 and 2 - A guide written in two parts The first is how to understand and manipulate your opponents thought process, and apply that ability to "ninjaing" them. The second is how to effectively call strategies for both GR and BL side.

CF Tricks - An archive of various boosts and jumps in competitive maps to assist you in your gameplay. All are legal in WOGL.

Unofficial CrossFire Database - Information is posted here. Largely unfinished, however you can find a list of sound distances, and Bloody has posted a DL link to damage amounts for a large amount of the guns in the game. Bug me enough and I might do running speed.

Movie Making Guide - Just what it sounds like, plus a list of what I think are the best CF frag videos. This includes my reasoning for said opinions. The actual guide part is based around frag movie theory, and is not a tutorial for any specific program.

Movement Guide (Soon to come) - A video guide describing various methods of movement which can be used in CrossFire.



Doop's AWPing guide - Easily the best AWP guide out atm, all creds go to Doop. Never got the sticky it deserved D: (iirc that is, maybe I'm just dumb)
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