DrKillemQuik hates noobs

is so tired of noob ghosts moving then cry hack and i get kicked. im so sik of haters kicking me to get my ace. this game is full of childish imature kids who cry hack when they know they were moving. why cant u ghosts comprehend breath? breath+spray= dead noob ghost campers. when u stopinfront of me yes im GOING to shoot you. then half the time i get these racists mexicans who dont like white ppl and boom im kicked. i thinbk gm need to implament something that will help all good players from jeloushaters. if u kick someone the match should go to review and if its found that the person who was kicked isnt hack then the person who started kik vote get banned and everyone who voted f11 gets banned aswell. i play 3-4 hours a day and i only get 500 xp because stupid moron noobs that dont know what skill is call me hack and then i get kicked. their should be punishment for false kicking. i cant stand having 35-4 in ghost mode and get kicked cause some stupid ghost moved and said he didnt move. im so dam tired of being robbed of my score cause of morons. hell i kik hackers myself. i dont like hackers. but when i get kicked for hacking it makes me so dam mad. 90% of the ppl who play this game are compete morons. Literally every single match i play i get called hacker. i tell the ghost if u think i hack then why dont u report me? instead of saying ok i report you they say gm doesnt ban anyone for hack. then they say kik me again. i wish for 1 day gamegaurd worked to stop hacking so that when i get my awesome skillkills ppl have to say wow dr your a beast instead wow dr u hack. i sincerl;y hope all u noob ghosts who lie on good skilled gr get banned. Come on gm give the good hi skilled players a way of fighting back against haters and morons.im so sik of being called hack. why do u gms even have gamegaurd when it dont work? i never see gm playing a match. and just today i saw a post that said gm had amw camo before it came out... r the gms hackers to? If you see me in a G>M> dont even play it cause i see all movement i shoot at breath and im almost always ace. if u dont like playing against skilled ppl then dont join my room cause im gunan get ya.

Anyone have the same problem as me? being called hack by ghosts who know they moved? or how about get kicked so some hater can steal your hard earned ace from you? am i alone?


  • Most people feel this way. Not much that we can do. Other then play with Clanmates and hope that we dont get kicked. I suggest going and playing FFA, no kicking system in FFA.
  • Most people feel this way. Not much that we can do. Other then play with Clanmates and hope that we dont get kicked. I suggest going and playing FFA, no kicking system in FFA.

    i only play ghost mode, and ive found that most clans have hackers and lie foreachother. some clans if u call them hack they kick u from room. u sdhouldnt get kicked for thinking someone is hacker. panthers clan. ive see 3 ppl from that clan that dont hack..... when i say hey he hacks all of a sudden u see them saying f11. i push esc and what doi ya know it says voting. excess clan bunch of hackers. i join a room with 7-8 excess and i see someone hacking i say so, when i say hack all of a sudden u see excess members saying f11. im not afriad to call out a hacker but when i do certain clans imeaditly kik u as fast as they can. so many hackers, so many liars, i hope god gets u all
  • so many hackers, so many liars, i hope god gets u all

    11th Commandment: Though Shalt Not Take Games Too Seriously.
  • Translation:

    - You hate people that cry in GM.


    - Don't play GM.
  • i think they made the votekick room glitch on purpose for exactly this reason =X
  • panthers are really good at GM.....and also what u said about mexicans,only ppl from mexico are mexicans,just because they speak a language similar(Brazilian, portuguese,etc) doesnt make them mexicans. Ive been looking for mexicans in this game because i am one,and ive only seen like 10. Next time just call them latinos or something,do not call them mexicans because how would you like it if i called u another race because u look or speak similar i bet u wont.
  • panthers are really good at GM.....and also what u said about mexicans,only ppl from mexico are mexicans,just because they speak a language similar(Brazilian, portuguese,etc) doesnt make them mexicans. Ive been looking for mexicans in this game because i am one,and ive only seen like 10. Next time just call them latinos or something,do not call them mexicans because how would you like it if i called u another race because u look or speak similar i bet u wont.

    sorry dont think im being racist im not. and there are more than 10 mexicans because i ask ppl where they are from (pointless conversating while im dead awating next round) and they tell me. ive played with 75+ different mexicans. yes your right about me seeing spanish and thinking thier mexican, sorry about that i was very mad when i made this tread for i had 15-1 and got kicked by a real mexican( i asked) he said kik drkillem he white then boom u have been kicked no futher penalty ... he saidkik him he is white, so i was just mad cause a racistmexican kik me for being white

    and yes some pathers are very good at ghost mode but when u stab me from what has to be atleast 20 feet . his ping was 37 mine was 43 thats not lag fella its hack.