Top 2 Clans (READ!)

Hey CF,

I'm not, nor have I ever, been a member of PubStarz or PWNED or whatever, [i was in Meta though :) ] but I would just like to ask all those noobs who whine about the top clans and how they farm to please silence your little mouths !

I've been playing CF for a year now and haven't farmed once. (and i'm still Master Sergeant, :P )

I respect Turks, Latin Americans and people from Quebec and stuff, but i would like to say I'm truly glad to top 2 clans are American (or English) and i'm pretty proud of that. I know it sounds stupid but.. i think the top two clans should ban together. I think they should unite (not merge) but unite in a way, like if they already aren't should make friends..

in the end it's all a game and it doesn't matter all that much.. but this is mainly for the noobs who whine about farmers and "stupid Englishmen"

Anyone else happy or agree?

