Yep! CF uninstalled. Bye! :)

Sold all my weapons...
Since a few Guys know me, here´s the blabla.
Zuci, Lobster all the other guys, Bye I´m leaving. Forever.
I´m just saying, so don´t you wonder.

Had a great times in the Forums, but lately...What means lately, last month
I just couldn´t enjoy CF anymore. Too much crap going on. Armor, SPOP, unfriendly Clans, all the kiddies kicking you, bad graphics, animations, crashes, glitches,
always having to play 2 hours to keep the skill up...Nah, I´m done with that.
I see the players with incredible high ranks, kiddies spending all their money on this game. Propably nobody´ll listen, but still, I suggest you: Quit this game.
Get a Life. There are other thing in life, better things.

I never spend a Dollar in this game. Never plant to. But whatever, ya´ I was never the guy playing that much, but isn´t an hour per day enough?
Doesn´t look like that.
Bye! :)

PS: And Z8, maybe you could listen to the community a bit more, just saying...


  • See ya lata have fun....
    Get a nintendo and play it.
  • New Game, Things to work out and such. All games go through certain things. Though I have seen you around, it always stinks to lose another one, but hope you have fun whatever you decide to do.
  • TheChosk wrote: »
    Sold all my weapons...
    Since a few Guys know me, here´s the blabla.
    Zuci, Lobster all the other guys, Bye I´m leaving. Forever.
    I´m just saying, so don´t you wonder.

    Had a great times in the Forums, but lately...What means lately, last month
    I just couldn´t enjoy CF anymore. Too much crap going on. Armor, SPOP, unfriendly Clans, all the kiddies kicking you, bad graphics, animations, crashes, glitches,
    always having to play 2 hours to keep the skill up...Nah, I´m done with that.
    I see the players with incredible high ranks, kiddies spending all their money on this game. Propably nobody´ll listen, but still, I suggest you: Quit this game.
    Get a Life. There are other thing in life, better things.

    I never spend a Dollar in this game. Never plant to. But whatever, ya´ I was never the guy playing that much, but isn´t an hour per day enough?
    Doesn´t look like that.
    Bye! :)

    PS: And Z8, maybe you could listen to the community a bit more, just saying...

    Yea This Game Is Getting wack nothing like back then it was fun and communtiy was fun now its like every one is leveing because every one just got tried of no new patches gms not doing what they say there will be a patch what happen no patch so this is fun what ever man i just go back to Cs:s no hackrs glitchers good community
  • Personally,i loved the first 2 months of this game with my K1A,all the fun i haved,all the owning,always ace and mvp on TD,not so many weapons,no customes,no other gameplay-changer items,no hackers,just the game itself and its players :)

    Leaved once,camed back,dont know what will happend next,but as for me too,it all depends on the next patch..
  • Chosk don't be call people kiddies, you little kiddie.

    It feels weird saying this, but in a way I will miss you. You may be annoyed my a bit back in the suba off topic days. But now I only appreciate how you stuck with these forums and this game long enough. I'll miss ya chosk.
  • TheChosk wrote: »
    Sold all my weapons...
    Since a few Guys know me, here´s the blabla.
    Zuci, Lobster all the other guys, Bye I´m leaving. Forever.
    I´m just saying, so don´t you wonder.

    Had a great times in the Forums, but lately...What means lately, last month
    I just couldn´t enjoy CF anymore. Too much crap going on. Armor, SPOP, unfriendly Clans, all the kiddies kicking you, bad graphics, animations, crashes, glitches,
    always having to play 2 hours to keep the skill up...Nah, I´m done with that.
    I see the players with incredible high ranks, kiddies spending all their money on this game. Propably nobody´ll listen, but still, I suggest you: Quit this game.
    Get a Life. There are other thing in life, better things.

    I never spend a Dollar in this game. Never plant to. But whatever, ya´ I was never the guy playing that much, but isn´t an hour per day enough?
    Doesn´t look like that.
    Bye! :)

    PS: And Z8, maybe you could listen to the community a bit more, just saying...

  • i barely play this shiitttt

    so many better games out there
  • I know once SPOP came out this game was going down hill but it's still fun. I play 30min a day, not that much. It's a fun game, I'm not quitting. Kthx
  • GRekedens wrote: »
    I know once SPOP came out this game was going down hill

    agreed.... unfortunatly.... crossfire was great fun back in the back... i wouldnt stop playing.... now i have to be forced by mates to play.... just too much crap around...
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    agreed.... unfortunatly.... crossfire was great fun back in the back... i wouldnt stop playing.... now i have to be forced by mates to play.... just too much crap around...

    not 100% sure what you mean, lol, but ya I knew as soon as SPOP came we reached the top of the hill, so to speak xD and then SPOP in ghost mode omg that was bad
  • ok thank you, goodbye

    These topics don't bring anything new to the table, people get burnt out from a game,
    decide to leave... It is just when they start posting goodbye messages... it gets
    annoying. Why should you need to wish your goodbyes to a community when it is
    nearly inevitable that you'll come back anyways, at least the vast majority
    of players that post these "goodbye" threads come back anyways even if they
    leave with a nasty letter.

    Gaming in general should be used as entertainment purposes, and there is a blurred line
    when gaming has taken over your life, and when it is just a stress reliever. If your
    not enjoying it anymore, then the game isn't doing you any favors and its best you
    leave. Sending a goodbye notice just calls out troll here, and in the end, is a waste of
    space. There is a reason that the Private Message function on these forums exist.

    Sorry if this post sounds rude, but your time would be best put into PM's then giving
    the trolls an outlet to vent their time.

  • Cool.
    If this next patch is wack, I'll be on MW2 more often, despite the fact that it has no dedicated servers. >_<
  • TheChosk wrote: »
    Sold all my weapons...
    Since a few Guys know me, here´s the blabla.
    Zuci, Lobster all the other guys, Bye I´m leaving. Forever.
    I´m just saying, so don´t you wonder.

    Had a great times in the Forums, but lately...What means lately, last month
    I just couldn´t enjoy CF anymore. Too much crap going on. Armor, SPOP, unfriendly Clans, all the kiddies kicking you, bad graphics, animations, crashes, glitches,
    always having to play 2 hours to keep the skill up...Nah, I´m done with that.
    I see the players with incredible high ranks, kiddies spending all their money on this game. Propably nobody´ll listen, but still, I suggest you: Quit this game.
    Get a Life. There are other thing in life, better things.

    I never spend a Dollar in this game. Never plant to. But whatever, ya´ I was never the guy playing that much, but isn´t an hour per day enough?
    Doesn´t look like that.
    Bye! :)

    PS: And Z8, maybe you could listen to the community a bit more, just saying...

    You seriously felt the need to be an attention Wh0re today or what?
    If you dont play the game again oh well BYE...
  • TheChosk wrote: »
    Sold all my weapons...
    Since a few Guys know me, here´s the blabla.
    Zuci, Lobster all the other guys, Bye I´m leaving. Forever.
    I´m just saying, so don´t you wonder.

    Had a great times in the Forums, but lately...What means lately, last month
    I just couldn´t enjoy CF anymore. Too much crap going on. Armor, SPOP, unfriendly Clans, all the kiddies kicking you, bad graphics, animations, crashes, glitches,
    always having to play 2 hours to keep the skill up...Nah, I´m done with that.
    I see the players with incredible high ranks, kiddies spending all their money on this game. Propably nobody´ll listen, but still, I suggest you: Quit this game.
    Get a Life. There are other thing in life, better things.

    I never spend a Dollar in this game. Never plant to. But whatever, ya´ I was never the guy playing that much, but isn´t an hour per day enough?
    Doesn´t look like that.
    Bye! :)

    PS: And Z8, maybe you could listen to the community a bit more, just saying...

    Some are flaming you for posting this....I applaude you!

    Saying goodbye publicly to the people youv'e enjoyed the game with is cool. Telling everyone your reasons is important feedback for all.

    I like new game content.

    New Weapons
    New Maps

    Ive been wresteling with the notion of playing other games as well. Not quitting, but just taking another track.

    These are the reasons:

    Hakers..........Too many
    Glitchers........Too many
    Criers............Too many
    Vote Kik.........Too much
    foul language..Too much

    And here are the biggest reasons.

    Z8's inability or desire to do anything about them in a timely fashion. Their informational blackouts when they dont want to address a difficult situation. Turn in a 100% proof positive hacker and glitcher today and wait 2,3,4, weeks for any action!

    Due to my experiences with Crossfire and their business practices. I will not spend any further money.. I will not quit..No point in quitting. I'll just evaluate other options and games.

  • Thanks for posting Chosk,

    played once or twice with you in pubs I believe. I understand your frustration and disappointment.

    You and Cypher speak the truth ( or your mind ).

    I dont know much of the business end of z8 and this particular game etc as Im not involved in it, but I am involved ( formerly ) in other long time established gaming communities. And it is true that this particular game does not hold up "muster" at this moment to other communities as far as I have experienced for many of the reasons cypher outlined.

    Good Luck to you man,

    My brother is telling me of this new fps on xbox thats really cool, was thinking about cheking that out instead soon!
  • My little ginger freind is going :O.
    Cya buddie.
  • Turn in a 100% proof positive hacker and glitcher today and wait 2,3,4, weeks for any action!

    This is proboably the most damaging one of all...

    Definitely understaffed in this area.

    If z8 could fix this one negative alone, it would hold more weight than all the other negatives combined in my experience.. All it would take is a mature person assigned that task almost exclusively...
  • I think that if the next patch isnt a great patch many players are gonna leave this game...
  • apqlwma wrote: »
    I think that if the next patch isnt a great patch many players are gonna leave this game...

    Dude i wish Armour and SPOP got deleted. GSG - Swat - OMOH - SAS are enough not little girls running round throwing heart grenades i mean cmon? People like Bruce and other people/teams out there are wanting to play competitive such as LifeLine, Trio, etc... just wish the game improved i've spent over 80 pounds on it =/ and i'm starting to think its a waste.
  • TheChosk wrote: »
    Sold all my weapons...
    Since a few Guys know me, here´s the blabla.
    Zuci, Lobster all the other guys, Bye I´m leaving. Forever.
    I´m just saying, so don´t you wonder.

    Had a great times in the Forums, but lately...What means lately, last month
    I just couldn´t enjoy CF anymore. Too much crap going on. Armor, SPOP, unfriendly Clans, all the kiddies kicking you, bad graphics, animations, crashes, glitches,
    always having to play 2 hours to keep the skill up...Nah, I´m done with that.
    I see the players with incredible high ranks, kiddies spending all their money on this game. Propably nobody´ll listen, but still, I suggest you: Quit this game.
    Get a Life. There are other thing in life, better things.

    I never spend a Dollar in this game. Never plant to. But whatever, ya´ I was never the guy playing that much, but isn´t an hour per day enough?
    Doesn´t look like that.
    Bye! :)

    PS: And Z8, maybe you could listen to the community a bit more, just saying...

    ok thx for telling us?
  • Dazeeeee wrote: »
    Dude i wish Armour and SPOP got deleted. GSG - Swat - OMOH - SAS are enough not little girls running round throwing heart grenades i mean cmon? People like Bruce and other people/teams out there are wanting to play competitive such as LifeLine, Trio, etc... just wish the game improved i've spent over 80 pounds on it =/ and i'm starting to think its a waste.

    Agreed 100%

    SPOP is an absolute joke, it should be removed, but they won't. Z8 don't care, as long as they get their money, they don't care.
  • Figo69 wrote: »
    This is proboably the most damaging one of all...

    Definitely understaffed in this area.

    If z8 could fix this one negative alone, it would hold more weight than all the other negatives combined in my experience.. All it would take is a mature person assigned that task almost exclusively...
    Would you care to pay this "Mature" persons salary to babysit?

    Yall are lucky theres even a replay/report function unlike any other game where ONLY the anti cheat system can ban detected 3rd party programs. With as many times as im called a haker im sure dozens of replays of me have been sent in. All of that wasteing there time.

    CF is a good game its the kids/community that make it a joke.

    There arent any good players in CF for any good player has to be a haker
  • Sorry to see you go. Good luck to you.

    As for the community, I've only played CF for a month and I have to say that over 80% of the players on this game are whiny, elitist tarts who talk smack when they kill somebody and cry hack when they die.

    You're lucky to be out. :P If you do come back, hope you can find a group of good people to play with.
  • worst part of this game now is the laggers can't go into a game without players with 200+ pings. thats what u get for letting foreigners play this just a bunch of lagger would be fun without them but z8 don't care all there care about is money. SPOP suck to and game errors i have 31 desertion all but 1 from stupid game errors sucks.
  • Ciao.

    Your probably just going to play something else though.
  • Death37 wrote: »
    worst part of this game now is the laggers can't go into a game without players with 200+ pings. thats what u get for letting foreigners play this just a bunch of lagger would be fun without them but z8 don't care all there care about is money. SPOP suck to and game errors i have 31 desertion all but 1 from stupid game errors sucks.

    you should be banned,omg,crossfire only for you canadians? no " foreigners"? lame
  • Dobson420 wrote: »
    Would you care to pay this "Mature" persons salary to babysit?

    Yall are lucky theres even a replay/report function unlike any other game where ONLY the anti cheat system can ban detected 3rd party programs. With as many times as im called a haker im sure dozens of replays of me have been sent in. All of that wasteing there time.

    CF is a good game its the kids/community that make it a joke.

    There arent any good players in CF for any good player has to be a haker

    Is that you dobson you hecker?? lol jk matey...

    Unpaid most likely, totally do-able with the right crew and oversight. Babysitting? ok maybe, but thats exactly what the doctor ordered for a bunch of babies.. they ned direction, not to be able to run amuck with little fear of consequence.

    There are some who take gaming as a hobby and pastime and can be more serious about a community rather than just coming in and causing havoc.

    Im sure Saidin is a great person but has much responsibility besides looking at heck reports. Too much to be as effective as having an assistant or 2 sharing the heck report responsibility.

    Z8 dont take my remarks as a negative, its just discussion amongst a gaming community as we see. I know what kind of chaos can be behind scenes too.