Glitch Jumping Branches - Guide (Duh)

This is a guide for normal combat only, NOT ghost mode, so descriptions will notcover ghost mode effects.

Quick Speed Note:
It's been proven that running backwards is faster than running forwards.

Quick BHopping Note:
When preforming a BHop while travelling forwards, you cannot steer yourself. While Preforming a BHop while travelling backwards, you CAN steer yourself.

Most jumps/techniques covered are branches of the glitched "Double Jump." They all operate on the same glitch, that being jumping before you hit the ground.

Any other technique that is not based of the glitch will be specified.

Double Jump
Description: Jumping twice and then crouching to jump on obstacles not normally able to be reached.

Instruction: Jump > Jump before you hit the ground > Crouch. (Refer to BlindRobs video tutorial for further instruction.

Basic Bunny Hop
Description: Multiple DJs with momentum, carrying you over a long distance, and at a faster speed than running.

Instruction: Jump> Jump before you hit the ground > Jump before you hit the ground etc.

Crouch BHop aka Ghost BHop
Description: BHop with crouching to give you more speed. (You travel faster while crouching in the air)

Instruction: Jump > Hold Crouch (Do NOT release this at any point in the jump) > Jump before you hit the ground > Jump before you hit the ground etc.

Note: This is harder than a normal BHop.

No DMG Fall
Description: Falling from a damaging height without taking any damage whatsoever.

Instruction: Fall > Jump before you hit the ground.

Note: Very hard to do without much practice.

Stone Skipping
Description: Switching from normal BHopping to Crouching B Hopping to pick up speed and gain almost no altitude.

Instruction: Do a normal BHop but toggle crouch at specific intervals.
Note: Still looking into perfecting it, hard as **** to do right.

2 Man Flying
This technique des NOT rely on the glitch.

Description: A jumping technique used to boost someone to a height that would normally require a 3-4 man stack, by only using one other person.

Instruction: You have to jump off the persons arm, then they jump off your arm, etc., all with a little bit of luck with lag.

Note: Because this requires lag at the proper time to pull off, don't try it in a scrim, 99/100 times you'll fail.

When I'm done with vid tutorials for all of the above I'll edit/ask a mod to edit.

Thanks for your time. Hope you learned something.
