D*M*F-Elite are now Recruiting!!

Hey Everyone!
Glad you've clicked on this topic! :)

Right, lets get down to buisness, D*M*F-Elite are a fairly new clan, we have now been around for just over 3 months. In that time we have Climbed to the 196th spot on the leaderboard and our clan have proudly went up atleast 1 spot every day. Our aim is to make a name for ourselfs, but not just any name. We want a good, mature, professional name and we also want to demolish the top clans at the moment. To do this we need some new, active and stong players.
Here is the criteria that you need to join out clan ( You must include these answers in your application )..

1. You must be 14 years of age or older.
2. You must be a Staff Sgt, or higher.
3. You must have a positive Kill/Death ratio. ( KD = 1.0+ )
4. You must be able to speak basic English. ( Any nationallity alowed )
5. Must download Ventrillo. ( Communication System )

If you have any trouble understanding this information please contact me ingame on my account, [D]eadlyIX or any other member of D*M*F-Elite. Also we do not accept hackers, if you are found to have joined our clan,you will be watched very closely by our security team and if you are found to hack they will kick you from the clan and report you.
Lastly, we are friendly clan and if you are good enough hope to see your application very soon! Thanks for your time. Regards [D]eadlyIX.
