
Is there any possible way you could like you know fix the shovel and its not just a latency issue there is a legitimate amount of unfairness when u see someone miss and still hit u from 15 feet away i know you guys are really busy counting the money you make from crates but im sure its not that hard iono maybe make it to where u can disable shovels in ghost mode and make it where u can limit the GRs weapons as well (Pistols,knives,rifles,snipers only,etc.)
its bad enough that every single ghost in the game is exploiting the bunnyhop crap but now they can make themselves quieter i understand that the gr has guns but we cant magically disappear on demand or make ourselves run super fast and quietly its really sad when some bunnyhopper can come into an honest game with his noobstick and kill 5 guys in one foul swoop maybe make zones on the floor that light up bunnyhoppers or something its just something has to be done about the absolutely disgustingly unbalanced shovel that takes no skill at all to use(I can get one any time i want i just refuse to stoop to their level so dont give me that u just jealous crap) so ya..plz fix it

(TL;DR) Fix that stupid shovel
