An Intense Christmas Patch

Me and a few members meaning me , neoslickrick , mushy , sneeze , rocklobstah , wickedpogi decided to throw together christmas patch things that should be ncluded if their is one ;].

Snowball grenade , Mistletoe grenade , Snowman Grenades , Christmas Ornament Nades , Present Box Grenades , Christmas Tree Grenade with a funny smiley face , " NeoSLick rick said Dradle Nade lul " Santa Clause Hats , Reindeer Antlers , green or red muzzle flashes , christmas color camo gear / accessories , elf costumes for spop , Snow falling from the screen somewhere in the user interface , snow in gameplay on maps etc "even if its needed to be accessed by turning it on through special effects , Candy cane combat weapons , a rooftop christmas theme map , an open snowy field map with candycanes or it could be like the north pole , "mushy said a snow muzzle flare" yea so pretty much just christmas things that would attract alot of zp buyers such as myself or if you got any good ideas add em below :] <33333
