Cupid Lovely Choice: February 12th - 16th

💗Attention Mercenaries💗, 

Cupid’s arrow has struck CrossFire, bringing a wave of romance to the Black Market in the form of the Lovely Choice Crate, each filled with delightful Valentine’s Day-themed weapons that will steal any player’s heart.

From February 12th until the 16th the Lovely Choice Crate is returning to the Black Market so you can get the Valentine-themed weapons your heart desires!

Once you've purchased the crate, you can pick which 3 permanent weapons you are spinning for from a list of 20 weapons!

💗Mauser M1896-Neapolitan💗
💗 Barrett-Neapolitan💗
💗 M14EBR-S-Neapolitan💗
💗 Dual Karambit-Candy Heart💗
💗 M200 CheyTac-Candy Heart💗
💗 M4A1-S-Candy Heart💗
💗 Grenade-Valentine💗
💗 Dual Karambit-Valentine💗
💗 Savage 110BA-Valentine💗
💗 Laser Dagger-Valentine💗
💗 Steyr TMP-Valentine💗
💗 FN TPS-Hearts💗
💗 AK-103-Hearts💗
💗 Zastava M21-Hearts💗
💗 MP7-Pink💗
💗 Kriss Super V-Pink💗
💗 AWM-Pink💗
💗 M4A1-Pink💗
💗 Dual D.E-Pink💗
💗 Dual Uzi Pink💗

💗Don't miss out on this Lovely event, Mercenaries!💗 
 -CrossFire Team 💗
