The Nostalgia Hunt: January 8th - February 3rd

Attention Mercenaries

Let The Nostalgia Hunt begin! Search and solve the clues by playing daily to earn some amazing crates, packed with great-looking weapons, items, and nostalgic surprises that will take you back to your favourite moments!

From January 8th until February 3rd, during the event, every 3 days play 5 games on specific mode based on the clues by checking the tracker HERE.

By completing each mode, you can earn 5 Luxury Royal Dragon Crates. If you complete all modes of the event, you will receive 1 Golden Nostalgia Weapons Select Box, where you can choose your favourite nostalgia golden weapon.

Terms & Conditions
Games must be completed and password-protected rooms do not count. 

Good luck with solving the clues and getting those rewards, Mercenaries!
-CrossFire Team


  • niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Good event but please fix the game as the rooms are still with drooping FPS.
               All the best from Baba_Yaga_CF
         Honorable Player with 16 Years of Service :)
  • that is amazing event, thanks for made it happen, i'm sure a lot of players are very happy <3
  • niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • This is a very good event
    This way the game will return to its peak
  • I already have all this golden guns I need the anaconda gold :(
  • MidoIsLegend
    edited January 8
    Isn't anyone telling Z8 that giving away nostalgic guns is just super unfair to veteran players? Like for real!! It's just beyond irritating at this point. I have them since 2009, when I was just a little kid, paying all of my hard saved money as a kid just to put my hands on those guns. I thought that after they were gone, 15 yrs later, my account (and other people's) would just be special for having those ancient pieces from the past.

    I know there are crazy more advanced guns now, but those were just special, authentic and genuine. I loved my account for that.. I'm just srsly disappointed.
  • Isn't anyone telling Z8 that giving away nostalgic guns is just super unfair to veteran players? Like for real!! It's just beyond irritating at this point. I have them since 2009, when I was just a little kid, paying all of my hard saved money as a kid just to put my hands on those guns. I thought that after they were gone, 15 yrs later, my account (and other people's) would just be special for having those ancient pieces from the past.

    I know there are crazy more advanced guns now, but those were just special, authentic and genuine. I loved my account for that.. I'm just srsly disappointed.
    Its probably a sign that the game will shut down soon and won't last another year. Honestly this is a chance for a lot of players to try out and enjoy these outdated weapons so while I agree with you cause I also own some of them I can't deny that I like this event. If you were to use anything else besides the ak in ranked it would probably be considered trolling and theres 10 times better skins out there now so I won't mind to see everyone using ak gold.
  • I Can do the first mode on the first three days or just the first day cuz i'm confused ?
  • Isn't anyone telling Z8 that giving away nostalgic guns is just super unfair to veteran players? Like for real!! It's just beyond irritating at this point. I have them since 2009, when I was just a little kid, paying all of my hard saved money as a kid just to put my hands on those guns. I thought that after they were gone, 15 yrs later, my account (and other people's) would just be special for having those ancient pieces from the past.

    I know there are crazy more advanced guns now, but those were just special, authentic and genuine. I loved my account for that.. I'm just srsly disappointed.
    I've be playing since 2010 when I was a 5th grader, but I was not able to acquire any of these weapons because my parents wouldn't purchase things online because they didn't want to get scammed or have their credit cards stolen. There was pretty much no way I could get ZP unless I did surveys :/

    A lot of the gold weapons come back every now and again in the great choice crate. I got the AK Gold last year from those crates. 

    The gold AK, M4, Deagle, and AWM were not really that rare back in the day, since you were always stacking up coupons when opening crates. Those old crate weapons like the Kriss Super V, M4a1 Custom, and M60 Adv are all still rare and never return. The M4A1-S Crystal and RPK Camo I don't think ever returned and are still incredibly rare.

    I know it's awesome to have a unique or rare item, but sooner or later the game is going to shut down and it will all be lost anyway. Might as well let the players enjoy what could be the final few years of this games life.

  • OMG,FIX this f...   game!!!! Error,error, networkconection, error. Whole game -error, and u dont do anything 
  • If I start today, will I get that box in the end?
  • 2_Slow_4_Me
    edited January 13
    JuicyJeni said:
    I've be playing since 2010 when I was a 5th grader, but I was not able to acquire any of these weapons because my parents wouldn't purchase things online because they didn't want to get scammed or have their credit cards stolen. There was pretty much no way I could get ZP unless I did surveys :/

    A lot of the gold weapons come back every now and again in the great choice crate. I got the AK Gold last year from those crates. 

    The gold AK, M4, Deagle, and AWM were not really that rare back in the day, since you were always stacking up coupons when opening crates. Those old crate weapons like the Kriss Super V, M4a1 Custom, and M60 Adv are all still rare and never return. The M4A1-S Crystal and RPK Camo I don't think ever returned and are still incredibly rare.

    I know it's awesome to have a unique or rare item, but sooner or later the game is going to shut down and it will all be lost anyway. Might as well let the players enjoy what could be the final few years of this games life.

    I got all everything even the combat axe vanilla perm and the awm camo perm. But i do get what he says about having alot of the og guns and they just rereleasing them. Like the ak scope/knife crate in the gp shop is hella unfair as i spend loads of zp on these to get. I would of loved to see them giving us ogs something else in return. Like a crate or specific weapon.

    IGN: $ven
  • So if I missed one day its over? sadly the weapons are anyway coming as Crate Soon.
    call me hayace dog
  • iam very happy so i play crossfire everyday     000
  • and i want   700.000.000 ZP please please GM
  • I don't get any progress on this event about the ZM mode 
  • Hey, I am not sure if anyone else is tracking this, but the event reset to the same clue as last event but does not count towards the tracker. 

    The tracker is broken, please look into it GM's.

  • I got all everything even the combat axe vanilla perm and the awm camo perm. But i do get what he says about having alot of the og guns and they just rereleasing them. Like the ak scope/knife crate in the gp shop is hella unfair as i spend loads of zp on these to get. I would of loved to see them giving us ogs something else in return. Like a crate or specific weapon.

    IGN: $ven
    Yes, the uniqueness of these items gets lost over time, especially if they start returning to the store. But I still think it's an important part of the game experience, and it would be great if they gave us something new or improved for older players