The Cardinal Weekend: Every Weekend throughout January

Attention Mercenaries

Let's get tactical with The Cardinal Weekend! This event offers unparalleled opportunities to progress rapidly. Every weekend in January, immerse yourself in the game and start stacking up on EXP, GP, and Crates. Don't miss out on this unique chance to significantly level up and get those exciting rewards.

Timebound Tactics 
Earn 200% EXP and GP all weekend! get ready for Timebound Tactics! During a specific time, you can earn 800% EXP and GP instead:

Play from 12AM - 1AM

Play from 6AM - 7AM

Play from 12PM - 1PM 

Play from 6PM - 7PM 

Arrival of Crates
Play for 2 hours each weekend to receive the Cardinal Crate. The more weekends you complete your 2 hours, the more crates you get.

1 weekend: Get 3 Cardinal Crates.

2 weekends: Get 9 Cardinal Crates.

3 weekends: Get 15 Cardinal Crates.

4 weekends: Get 21 Cardinal Crates.

Check your progress HERE.

Terms & Conditions
Games must be completed except for ZM4 & Peak Pursuit those will count when incomplete and password-protected rooms do not count.

Don't miss out on this cardinal event, Mercenaries!
-CrossFire Team
