No longer have access to my old gmail

Good day, moderators. I haven't played Crossfire in a very long time and I want to change my *unverified* gmail to a new gmail that I currently have access to. This current *unverified* gmail was entered into my account when I was still very young. Now that I have grown up and actually understand the concept of gmail and more english (english is not my first language) I would like to actually have this account verified. Thank you.


  • The "Verified" mark only means you can receive emails from z8 domain ( but will also get 1 ribbon and 1 pistol as i remember ), is not a security feature, the email still can be changed from account option on website OR by support via support ticket.

    In your case, since you lost the access to actual registered email ( whatever is the reason why) then only remaining option to change email is to send a ticket : Account Administration -> Change email.
    Gamer since 1997