Auralite Mystery Shop - Apr 15 to May 5

Attention Mercenaries,

A new way to save big at the brand new opened Auralite Mystery.

For a limited time from April 15 to May 5, get the chance to save up to 80% on randomly selected weapons, items, and characters. Most are temporary but some are permanent!

Open the Auralite Mystery at the Item Shop:

Reveal what's behind each spot by clicking on the question marks:

Purchase Auralite with ZP, redeem the deals, and fill up the Auralite gauge as you purchase items:

When you fill the gauge by using 60,000 Auralite, you can get the special purchase, the M4A1-S-Tidalescale, with a 50% discount:

Or fill the gauge by using 100,000 Auralite in total and save 70% on purchasing the special reward:

The special reward can be only purchased once.

Every Monday the Auralite Mystery gets reset and refreshed with new deals:

Or refresh up to 7 times with new deals - the first time is free:

Don't miss out on these Mystery deals!

The Auralite gauge will be reset after the event ends.

See you at the battlefield with your new gear!

-CrossFire Team
