Ghostmode jump sounds
The mode itself was dying, but since the jump sounds are back the mode has completely died. Almost everyone I talk to does NOT enjoy playing anymore because BL is way too hard now. I would suggest, that those jump sounds get removed from GM, so our little community can keep playing and keep the mode somewhat alive. For most of us it feels like Z8Games just WANTS the mode to die, as we feel you dont care at all about GM anymore. So show us your love and remove those sounds. Or atleast make this 'Footstep down' work on the jumps as well!
CFNA Ghost mode community has always been superior to any other version because we have adapted over the years to playing Ghost mode as GR solely depending on ghost breath alone. Over the years players have developed the skill and instant reflex to react to nearby ghosts based only on their breath. Imagine someone who can ace in GR based only on short-range breath, now imagine you suddenly gave them an increased advantage by allowing them to detect ghost from miles away, now imagine that this is not just one player it's the entire GM community, imagine the disadvantage BL side has now? No need to imagine, just open the game and watch it for yourself because this is the current reality. Adding those Jump sounds after all these years just makes this mode dysfunctional and unplayable. What is the purpose of breath down now? What is the purpose of bunn hopping? Why have we been learning bunny hop for all those years?! I, like many others, still come back to this game solely for Ghost Mode, it has always been a unique mode that no other game managed to recreate. Now, after all these years you have just ruined it, and any effort of keeping returning players to actually stay are now obsolete, because for many of us the only reason we played this game is no longer properly functional. Black List is now unplayable by all means. This have to be fixed by either removing jump sounds while bunny hopping, adjusting footstep down to reduce jump sounds (cuz surprisingly, jumps are still footsteps!), or just remove jump sounds altogether for Ghost Mode!
After an entire year of quitting I had came back a few weeks ago to find my beloved mode ruined like this, I am certain that I am never coming back to this game, nor are any other Ghost mode players.
Reconsider what you've done, fix the mode, or you've just wasted 13 years of all Ghost mode players lives mastering this mode over a hasty decision. Over the years, you've always looked the other way and ignored GM Players, but we simply weren't bothered, till this day you haven't added an option for "silenced only" rooms and we were okay with it.. but to ruin the entire dynamic of the mode? Haven't you ever wondered why CFNA's Ghost mode was much more competitive and popular than other versions? I guess not, because you've never cared enough to understand why we play this mode.
Please.. fix this.
Ghost mode player for Hide&Seek™
Huh lol
We can't even play with this lag
They can't even get a new server or fix them at least 😆
And u wanna get their devs editing that bugged game 😂
They should call it "cross the bug"
Fps drops , auto join rooms , slow servers, missing settings after the same update rip cf
And u r asking for a mode update
Just ignore them n play any another game lol epic , steam got many many more LOL
While I understand that updates are necessary to keep the game fresh and engaging, I also strongly believe that adding the jumping sound has ruined the gameplay experience for ghost mode. Ghost mode has always been structured such that global risk (if adequately playing the game mode) can only kill ghosts according to the sound of their breath, but adding in the jumping sound has given global risk too big of an advantage to play the game properly as a ghost. Also, the lack of a jumping sound added to the tension and excitement of the mode, as players had to be careful not to give away their position. Allowing everyone to loudly hear the location of ghosts makes this mode way too easy for global risk, and impossibly difficult for ghosts. As a result, ghost mode has become much less enjoyable, and unrewarding to play. I strongly consider removing the jumping sound from ghost mode, to restore its gameplay to normal and make it enjoyable for all players again.
As someone who was able to abuse the lack of noise while bhopping I honestly think this change will help the mode if anything to become more competitive if players want to put in the work... my own playstyle is butchered but the game was BL sided and very hard to play effectively against anyone who was fluent at hopping. Previously any "mastery" of GR had nothing to do with quick reaction on breath as it is almost impossible to react to the breath of a ghost who is moving at full speed without the use of camping or spraying. If people actually cared about the mode, adapt and learn how to play with the changes. BL isn't unplayable its just different, you can't just mindlessly approach GR. Making posts like this won't change anything, change how you play... be more patient, use your teammates and the maps themselves to approach because the hop sounds themselves are not easy to PP, sure you can hear ghosts coming but actually finding them (especially when there's multiple ghosts hopping) is difficult. NA Ghost mode is easily one of the least competitive regions for the mode (as someone who has actually played other versions competitively) and now without a crutch of no noise players actually need to develop game sense. If you want to prove this region really was the most competitive and thriving, prove that it is filled with competitors and push yourself to be better
^I can tell that you're probably not mainly a Ghost mode player. No one in the history of Ghost mode has ever found the mode BL sided. If you get killed by a fast bhopper that you couldn't anticipate you should just take the L and die, that's how the mode works. Only the best pinpointers survive, and only the most proficient bhoppers get the kill.
Ghost mode player for Hide&Seek™
That's how the mode works at a lower level, and as a matter of fact I'm actually one of the most proficient and decorated ghost mode players in NA but fair enough for you to assume otherwise. Once you actually get an understanding of the ENTIRETY of the mode and how it works rather than assuming it's solely just bhopping vs pinpointing you would realize exactly what I'm talking about. Most players at my level (the ones who actually dedicated time to learn everything) would agree with my statement in that (with the exception of a couple maps) the game is generally BL sided and top level teams will be winning their BL halves 90% of the time. To put it a little more in perspective, CFAL doesn't even allow BD and the GR side over there still struggles to keep up (they are a lot better at the game in general and are a lot more active keep in mind). This change simply forces players to think before making decisions, which I'm sure isn't something many players are used to doing nowadays. Actually play GR with the changes in scrims against semi-decent BL players and I assure you that you will find it just as challenging as before to get your kills. Yeah being able to frag campy players or stray GRs becomes incredibly difficult to do alone, but fundamentally ghost mode isn't a 1v1 game and tracking groups of ghosts is even more difficult than before.
Did you really think I would create this suggestion without thinking about it? It's really funny to me how some of you are saying this change is good and that we should adapt. Really, do you seriously think the current GM community on here is going to adapt and relearn again while the mode is almost dead? You came from another version and already know how it works, we don't. And also after at least 10+ years of having no jumps sounds we suddenly have to adapt? It's ridiculous how Z8 suddenly thinks out of nothing "Oh lets fix it now after all these years!". The more they change in this game, the more I'm suprised about how stupid their choices are. I tried to change my bunnyhops, but keep failing over and over again. I'm barely able to come close to any enemy. The mode is not fun at all anymore BL sided.
Also I created this suggestion almost knowing for 100% sure that Z8 isn't gonna do anything with it since they don't care about GM for a very long time now. I'm actually wondering if they even read this. Sad how such a unique mode is made dying by the ones who have it in their game. I wonder when it just gets removed completely. -
What is your in game name if you don’t mind me asking? I’m only asking this because we both think alike 😂. While I enjoy the new changes in Ghost Mode, I wouldn’t mind if Z8 changed it back to the way it was to satisfy the majority of GM players who refuse to adapt.
Its Maple lol... I saw this thread and immediately knew I had to stir the pot a bit. But yeah it's a shame people can't accept change just because they can't figure out how to play with it... It's also worth noting that these changes make the mode more accessible to non ghost mode players since they can begin to understand how the mode works without them dying to targets they have no idea how to track. Also I'm seeing that theres the argument that "I'm used to it" even tho I've never played a version with jump sounds before they made this change. I'll admit I was calling the changes a game killer at first too until I actually played with them. The difference between NA/EU players like me and the general ghost mode community is that I have a plethora of experience of actually competing in this mode and can understand the strengths and weaknesses of the new changes immediately beca`use there is an understanding of the mode. Most people don't actually understand how to actually play at a high level (even with no hop sounds) and it shows with this. Players who are actually good and who have "mastered" ghost mode won't be overly affected by this change. When I started the mode was knives vs non silencers and when that changed a lot of OG's quit because that was the beginning of an unbalance, this is a step in the right direction if anything -
Yes! Yes and Yes! Remove jump sound! Remove anti-sound and other things from shop, not just from GP, but also dont put them into ZP, they ruining this mode!
Let us play this mode as we want, not a single really GhostMode player whould ask you to ruin it like that! Just return everything as it was before and remove all things from shop! -
Also add toturial in-game! Every GR player should know that ghost have breath sound (once you return as it was) and this is main way to find and eliminate them! Every BL ghost know how to do bannihop, at least its existence (just show them that they should jump+holdctrl and click SPACE to make it! It is very important to make this mode not for just for couple players who didnt just leave thinking "what a stupid mode, GR players all HAK, they can see me!"? but figured out for to BH or play with breath sound...
before the game added breath down and footsteps down there were silenced weapons and you could walk into a room and be able to pinpoint ghosts without using LOS to pinpoint. Could do it straight from 3D sound effects and headphones. The game was GR sided. Now a days GR play is more spray and guess/prediction vs actual detection/skill.
i have only played a few games since they added bhop sounds but it really doesn’t feel quite broken. Not the way it did at least when they released m4 vips and players could spam right click to instantly kill rushing ghosts when Gr was out bullets
i agree with this thread... they should have left the jump sounds alone. it feels more chaotic and unfair.
simply put, it makes it harder for new players on BL to play. after playing since the update, mostly everyone on BL usually has a terrible score and anyone with a headset on GR can play in comfort. literally every non-gm player on BL ends up quitting the match or raging.
a lot of people are complaining in-game and the mode is just going to die... most recently, gm players quit after the update. (money for z8... we've spent a lot of money)
i do remember the time where you couldn't get silenced weapons without ZP to play on GR, and likewise a melee for BL. i only played BL when i won a keris from ZM and stuck to GR with my scar-heavy. now, melees and silenced guns are free, but the fact that jump sounds are so loud make it unbearable to play BL for most people. the mode environment was much nicer when there were no jump sounds.
because most people don't play GM in competition, you have to understand this from a public match standpoint... more players on the game is what we want, not people quitting. GM was picking itself back up until the patch. now the rooms are always empty.
the suggestion in discord is currently 36-3... which shows the community definitely does not favor bhop sounds. -
It's funny to me, and others, how litteraly half of the Ghost Mode community came here to show how they didn't like the changes at all. (Most of them, talking to all I bet 95%) Big typed out texts to show we are pretty serious about it. Never saw a topic with this before. But still you, GMs/devs, decide to do nothing about it. I bet you are not even reading this or getting it anyway as there are 0 responses about this. The only thing I finally got was "Looks like it was intended". Why? GM is dead, no one plays it anymore, yet you decide to punch us all in the face by leaving the mode completely dead after never caring about the mode anyway. Why you had to make those changes after 12.5 years all of sudden? Once again, gj Z8/devs. Another change, again less players in your game.
i also agree with everything above.
i quitted 5-8 years ago. i came back one week ago, and g.m just got worse.
especially the hopping sound, and all the rest as BL.
the community we had 8 years ago was so awesome, fun , respectfull.
even today i'm considering quitting again. please make g.m playable again, and get the g.m community back.
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