EP of The Season: December 23rd - 26th

Attention Mercenaries

As the snowflakes start to fall, we're excited to announce a special event that will add a sparkle to your holiday season - EP of The Season! From December 23rd to the 26th, get ready to immerse yourself in an EPic experience where every minute counts!

During this festive extravaganza, you'll have the chance to earn 75 EP for every single minute you spend on any mode or map or earn 150 EP on the Christmas map TDM, Elimination or Big Head for a maximum of 9,000 EP per day. That's right, the more you play, the more EP you earn! As the minutes tick by, watch your EP points pile up and get ready to turn them into treasures at the CrossFire Shop.

Play more to collect more EP and exchange each 5,000 EP for 5 Crates from one of the following crates:

🎄Icing Crate

🎄Nice List Crate

🎄Frosty Crate

Maximum limit 4 Crates for each crate type per player.

Guess what! You also can use your EP to get the New Xmas Fun crates with permanent Christmas hats as follows:

🎅 Get 1 New Xmas Fun Crate for 100 EP

🎅 Get 5 New Xmas Fun Crates for 500 EP 

🎅 Get 10 New Xmas Fun Crates for 1,000 EP

Keep track of your progress HERE.

Terms & Conditions:

Games must be completed.
Password rooms don't count.

So, assemble your squad, charge into the action, and make every minute count during EP of The Season.

Wishing you all a season filled with victories and EP aplenty!

See you on the battlefield, mercenaries! 🔥🎄

-CrossFire Team
