Just do something.

So i think am talking for most of the community when i say that
yall need to focus more on the game.

I've recently started to play again from a break of 2-3 months which it usually goes for me.
Right now i feel the urge to quit again cause of the same reasons that made me stop playing like all the othertimes i did.

*Tickrate is 8.33 ?* i mean, if i tap head i 95% get the kill, but if i spray 4-5 shots to the body, hit is legs 2 times continue to fall on the ground dead to see that i dealt 26 damage its really frustrating.
Am not sure but what've heard is someone actually pointed this out and got a reply by the CF
who stated that "If you can code it, do it you'r self"
If thats true then i dont even know anymore. Private servers got better tickrate ffs.
Another thumbs down cause of the tickrate is when peek shooting. Imagine to peek, burst couple of rounds and fall back behind cover to die behind it ?
Also when running out from a wall and shooting someone looks ridiculous on their screen. Looks like am Barry Allen going bezerk guns blazing.

*Ranked Match* Sure, i can accept that a crash can happen but losing 20 points then receiving a 30 min cooldown. That's actually a problem that should be fixed asap. Talking bout that 20 points loss. To be honest its good cause its actually the only way to rank down. Winning 8-10 points and losing 2-3 in defeats really messes up the skill differences like REAL hard.
Maybe input some more ranks aswell.

*Money* Yooo i can tell that yall are hungry for real. Releasing vips and cases gotta make you enough money to make the game better.
Heres a tip.You can remove some of the servers that none is playing on. Waste of money in my opinion.
So money shouldn't be a problem when it comes to solve this.

*Report system* Bruh, i've met the same hacker 3 days in a row now. I wonder how many games he crashed.

There is probably some more that i haven't experienced or can think of right now, but you need to listening more to the playerbase. The game can be so much better but you rather focus on these cases and vips to make the greens.
Ofc you working on other games right now, but you have one out now that can be improved.

Aiit am out *Mic drop*
