January 14th, 2020 - Patch Notes
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*System Changes*
- Random trade boxes will no longer be dropped from gameplay
- Trade System Marketplace (peer-to-peer) trading will remain disabled (More information HERE)
- New test server for Northamerica west coast (broadcast/spectator is currently not working on this server)
*Bug fixes *
- Fixed an issue where ES players were missing CFES 5th Anniversary Weapons from their inventory after migrating their accounts
- Clan points from purchases made on the Black Friday shop are now delivered
*System Changes*
- Random trade boxes will no longer be dropped from gameplay
- Trade System Marketplace (peer-to-peer) trading will remain disabled (More information HERE)
- New test server for Northamerica west coast (broadcast/spectator is currently not working on this server)
*Bug fixes *
- Fixed an issue where ES players were missing CFES 5th Anniversary Weapons from their inventory after migrating their accounts
- Clan points from purchases made on the Black Friday shop are now delivered
MilkylWayl wrote: »Anything other than "hack sheild updated" is useless
stop wasting your staff time on useless trade market issues and focus on the main hackers issue
I keep saying this for a while too. I even stop playing this game since begining of December. This game is going doooooooooown just because the devs have no respect for theyr comunity. I feel bad for puting so much money and time into it! -
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