How do you change a replay into a different file type?

Im trying to upload this replay to youtube but its not working how do i change the file type?


  • Man, how dumb can u get??? plz plz at least use some brain. I beg u.....

    FFS, everywhere there is a question about replay! and there is questions like this...Why dont u come up with other replay techinical fault report or something like that!!!!!

    The replay is a type of file that the game makers made to watch the game for them and for everyone else for future reference. Its not a video file like (.mp4, .mpg, .mts, .avi, .wmp, .flv, .3gp, etc....) where u simply convert a type of video file to other file formats.

    And the answer is NO. HELL NOOOOOOOO
    There is no fcking way that u upload a video on YouTube and YouTube plays it for u. FGS, think how will YouTube play the video even if God came and made it to play. "Will it play like a spectator view? or Will it play as third-person/first-person view? or is so which players' prospective??"

    PLZ I beg u, dont come with these sort of silly questions.
  • Oh, you kids have been watching YouTube so have been scratching our heads around....

    They first viewed those replays from the storage. (may/maynot) Made some preparations how to record, and then record with some screens recording softwares...Thats its!! its not like they upload those replay files and YouTube played it for them.

    And after all these lectures, if you dont get my points here around, I swear I will kill myself with a bullet on my head. I bet that, dude!!
  • well, I guess it would be one less jerk around here. F11
  • gawd u people are mean im just a newb -_- im sorry D:
  • just record the replay with fraps or somehing

    you might be able to convert to another file type but ive never tried